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  1. Just going to Video->Video Renderer->Madshi will do the job? Is there anything else I should install?
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  2. Yes. Your PotP must be 32bit version and you need to install madVR.
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  3. It doesn't work on 64bit PotPLayer?
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  4. No, it doesn't. MadVR is 32bit and can only work with 32bit players.
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  5. Originally Posted by jackuars View Post
    Just going to Video->Video Renderer->Madshi will do the job? Is there anything else I should install?
    Apologies for bumping this old thread.

    I simply want to know where MadVR is installed. If it executes to it's own directory and Potplayer finds it there.

    No experience so far in making these advanced settings for a player so I appreciate the advice before attempting it. I have a well laid -out guide for madvr and Pplayer but this small detail is missing from anything I can find.
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  6. You can download, unzip and put MadVR in a folder anywhere you like. Inside is "install.bat". Run it with admin rights. That registers MadVR. Don't delete or move the folder containing the MadVR files.

    Run "uninstall.bat" to unregister MadVR. If you want to reset MadVR run "restore default settings.bat" included in the zip file.

    Potplayer lists MadVR as the Madshi renderer. MPC-HC lists it as MadVR.

    The above assumes Potplayer doesn't come with MadVR internally and you need to install it yourself. I don't actually know, but I'd imagine selecting Madshi as the renderer would result in an error message if MadVR needs to be installed manually and you haven't done so.
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  7. @hello_hello

    Thanks again.

    I read the instruction for MPC-HC which I am also setting up as another alternative to VLC.

    The process is simple. madVR presents a DOS screen and announced the install
    was successful and no other files were written elsewhere outside the folder.

    I began this quest when VLC seemed to be acting up with 25 fps content. And Potplayer is getting a lot of attention from knowledgeable users. MPC-HC continues to do so as well.

    The most I had done previously was just adjust some audio and brightness in VLC.

    So with this new setup I still worry about 'breaking things.'

    For interested readers, here are the links for setup of Potplayer and also MPC-HC I have found.

    and Potplayer
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  8. I am getting through some of the settings in PotPlayer and it's likely I'll run into the same problems with MCP-HC.

    After doing many of the settings, the video renderer screen for Potplay does not show MadVR.

    The instruction from the guide is :

    Play a video,
    right click inside it and
    open the renderer selection.
    It's supposed to show what's playing as well.

    No MadVR found in the options yet. How hard can installing MadVr to it's own folder be?

    My procedure on that was Unzip MadVR. Folder is created as madvr######### a long number.

    I renamed that folder to MadVR as it wants and put it in Programs x86.
    Ran the install.bat no problem.

    What went wrong? Why cannot Potplayer find this? Is there a trace procedure or how can I error check what I've done?
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  9. I have made some progress with this. Regardless of the previous difficulties
    madVR looks to be installed in the renderer option of PotPlayer's many setup steps.

    That same author from above also has a detailed madVR setup of it's own which
    I just found.

    A problem still exists though where the keyboard CNTL+F1 combination opens the Used Filter List but mine is all blank. This means either my old NVidia onboard video with GeForce 6150SE
    does not respond to these new tools or my setup is still incorrect. I've seen no error messages as such though.

    Here is the mikejung MadVR guide for the renderer itself:
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  10. Progress:

    Cntl+F1 got some results with a video selection playing inside Potplayer.
    These sorts of things I am not used to.

    Continuing with the instructions for setup.
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  11. I haven't gone through all the settings of MadVR in MadVR yet but in tests of content the modifications suggested to PotPlayer or MCP-HC have not made much improvement and degraded in some sense from my viewing.

    The out of the box VLC does not show the frame skipping I see in these new render installs of MadVR. In other words smooth playback seems degraded under MadVR in my install.

    Changing the frame rate to higher might do something but I haven't investigated that yet. The mikejung guides are good. But he tells you he's working with a high end GPU setup and high end sound card as well.
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  12. If you select Ctrl+J while a video is playing you'll be provided with statistics regarding playback (use CTRL+J again to disable them). It works for all renderers in MPC-HC, although they supply different information. MadVR is the most informative. CTRL+R should reset statistics such as the dropped frame count. It pays to start a video playing, let it settle for a second or two, then use CTRL+R to reset the renderer info while the video is playing.

    If memory serves me correctly, Potplayer is retarded and by default uses CTRL+J as a shortcut for something else, despite the fact it's traditionally used for renderer info, but when MadVR is doing the rendering it should steal the shortcut back from Potplayer and CTRL+J will enable/disable the display of renderer information.

    Potplayer and MadVR renderer:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	potplayer.gif
Views:	7274
Size:	236.1 KB
ID:	37837

    I don't use Potplayer much because it's plethora of options make my head hurt, but I have a pretty old video card and while it copes with MPC-HC using the default MadVR settings most of the time, changing them to "better" quality settings is a no-go. It can't keep up and I end up with tearing and dropped frames etc. I can't see a difference in picture quality between VMR9 and MadVR's default settings so I use VMR9, plus I had an issue with MadVr and Reclock when switching displays.

    If there's settings for your video card in the Windows Control Panel (probably called the Nvidia control panel) have a look to see if there's any video enhancing options and make sure they're disabled. They tend to slow things down and make the video look worse anyway. I'm not sure if they'd be used with MadVR and I'm sure they would have no effect on VLC, but they will effect the picture when using a Windows renderer if they're enabled.

    Both Potplayer and MPC-HC have an option to save all their settings to an ini file. It's just a text file with an ini extension. PotPlayerMini.ini or mpc-hc.ini in their respective folders. The ini file will be created after the "save settings to ini file" option is enabled. If you're happy with the player configuration before you start playing around, enable that option, close the player and make a backup copy of the ini file. That way you can restore the backup ini file to return all the player settings to the way they were at the time you backed it up, so you can fiddle with settings and not worry about breaking things. It works for MPC-HC, at least. For Potplayer the setting's under General in preferences. Both players have a reset function in preferences somewhere if things go really bad, and you can also reset MadVR via a bat file in the folder where MadVR resides. Look for "restore default settings.bat".
    Last edited by hello_hello; 17th Jul 2016 at 07:21.
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  13. @hello_hello

    If we can go through this from the hardware onward with your assistance, it may be that the advanced settings just don't apply to what I have.

    Yes, I opened the NVidia control panel and I believe selected some options advised for madvr.

    I will go through that and return to the defaults if I can find those.

    The on board video on this Biostar MCP6PB M2+ motherboard is the Geforce 6150SE. There's an AMD Phenom 3 core in it. This has held up very well on my 19 in KDS CRT monitor. I think one of your regulars says he still has the same kind.

    Maybe I should ask it this way: Is madVR even a good selection or perhaps would a retro old version be a better pick?

    Quite frankly my video usually looks good and I view 720 most of the time with Win7 telling me I have 1024 resolution.

    I started this quest where I had a video file, a screen cap showing 25 fps, and it was not running smoothly. That was before any of this rendering software was in use and before I started playing with Potplayer-- MCP-HC less so, but I know you favor that.

    The point is we are possibly both using older equipment and trying to get the most out of it.
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  14. Here is a summary of the Nvidia Control panel settings

    Nvidia control panel in Win7

    1.) 3-D tab I have never used

    2.) Display Tab analog

    Edge enhancement-- set in the player
    Noise reduction set in the player

    Deinterlacing not checked

    Change resolution set in Win7 conrol panel is the same

    Adjust desktop color settings not changed

    Rotate display Not Applicable

    Adjust desktop size and position (have never used)

    Set up multiple displays N/A

    3.) Video

    Adjust video color settings (Have never used)

    Adjust video image settings:

    Edge Enhancement Default is Zero
    Noise Reduction Default is zero Both have a slider adjustment
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  15. The 25fps video that wasn't running smoothly..... where's it from and are you sure there's nothing wrong with it? If it's not running smoothly I'd try stepping through it one frame at a time to make sure motion looks normal. Maybe it has repeated and/or missing frames and it can't look smooth. For MPC-HC, there's a button on the navigation button for moving forward one frame at a time. I don't think Potplayer has one but if it's configured the same as MPC-HC the CTRL key plus the right arrow on the keyboard should move forward one frame at a time (the right arrow without the CTRL key might jump between keyframes).

    Your Nvidia control panel is possibly a bit different to mine as I'm running XP, but the video card knows the difference between desktop images (Windows itself and running programs etc) and video. For me the control panel is divided into three groups. 3D Settings, Display and Video. The settings under Video should be the only ones that effect video. For me there's a "with the video player settings" choice and a "with nvidia settings" option. The first one disables any video card settings so the video card won't mess with the picture. Or you can select "with nvida settings" and if the individual settings are disabled or set not to do anything, the result should be the same. Those video card settings seem to only effect video when using a Windows renderer with a player such as MPC-HC or Potplayer. For VLC the video card doesn't seem to be able to distinguish between "desktop" and "video" so the video settings don't have any effect.

    I don't think any of the Windows renderers could be better than MadVR, but I can't tell the difference between the better Windows renderers and MadVR's default settings. MadVR might improve things if you tweak it's settings but if doing so taxes the video card too much for playback to be smooth.... well that's not quite the definition of "improving things".
    Of the Windows renderers "VMR9 Renderless" (Video Mixing Renderer 9 Renderless) is probably the best choice for XP and "EVR Custom Presenter" for Windows 7.

    MadVR works fine for me with the default settings (8600GT video card), but I use Reclock with MPC-HC and it doesn't work the same way with MadVR. I live in PAL land and I have my TV running at 50Hz and ReClock automatically adjusting the frame rate to match the refresh rate where it's practical, so for most video it's adjusted to 25fps when displaying on the TV. My old CRT monitor is running at 85Hz though, and I usually open video by double clicking on a file, which opens it in MPC-HC on the CRT, then I drag the player over to the TV. ReClock should detect the change in refresh rate and adjust the frame rate accordingly, which it does.... unless I'm using MadVR. For whatever reason, MadVR prevents it from detecting the change unless I close the video and re-open it. If MadVR's default settings improved the picture compared to VMR9 (or if I wanted to use it's options for adjusting the picture in respect to gamma or colour etc) I'd live with the minor annoyance and use it, but it doesn't, so I just use VMR9.
    Last edited by hello_hello; 19th Jul 2016 at 02:20.
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  16. I will go over these new terms and settings plus ReClock.

    Thanks for the detailed explanation. Nvidia Control Panel must be identical or nearly so. The refresh rate is 60 and I don't know if changing that is beneficial.

    When I find an odd fps, doing a recode in Handbrake/ url=]Vidcoder[/url] has made a difference in smoothness.

    Plus I have to go through the detail on the MadVR guide yet.

    I remembered something you said about using the player adjustments or control panel to get more brightness. The Nvidia Control panel will do this as well in things like YouTubes.

    Youtube video has a terrible darkness problem on many of them. So I pinned the Nvidia Control Panel (icon) to the task bar and can do more needed adjustments for the Y'Tube. That has made a big difference. I don't know if all this should be in a separate thread but best to continue here.
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  17. A followup @hello_hello

    Still going through the materials of software starting with Nvidia Control Panel for the GeForce 6150SE onboard motherboard video.

    I have examined all settings and only see where the Refresh Rate might have some needed change. The driver last updated in 2013 for this old hardware has been recently installed. I have made some brightness changes as mentioned above.

    Since you are more comfortable with MPC-HC I can proceed in that player. This is all doing everything from the beginning as a how to. I am not consulting the Potplayer or other
    threads for this. The guides mentioned above by mikejung seem to indicate that the setups are more for the poster's own high end hardware.
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  18. Taking the recommendation for Reclock I downloaded the version at videohelp and
    ran setup.

    The folder in Programs (x86) contains many dlls and a couple .exe files one of which is called config.

    I don't know how or when it is activated with it's 'renderer' which is selected as default:
    no clue in the tray as to if it is active or even should be.

    Is this program engaged by a specific player setting?

    As we said, this is starting from the beginning. Not up to MadVR yet.
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  19. Reclock's not necessary as such. The idea is to adjust the frame rate as required to match the refresh rate of the display as best as possible. Ideally the refresh rate would be an exact multiple of the frame rate 25fps/50hz or 25fps/75Hz as that way each frame displays for the same number of screen refreshes.

    For a 60Hz display (or 59.950Hz for NTSC) the only matching frame rate is 30fps (or 29.970fps). For other frame rates.... 23.976fps for example... the frames need to display in a pattern of two screen refreshes, then three screen refreshes then two etc.... which can make motion look a little less smooth. Reclock can't fix that problem, but a PC and display often don't connect at the exact refresh rate they should. According to ReClock my TV is currently refreshing at 60.002Hz, so ReClock will adjust the frame rate a tiny bit to match. Most PCs have displays refreshing at 60Hz but the frame and refresh rates for NTSC are 29.970fps/60Hz, so Reclock could speed the 29.970fps video to 30fps for a 60Hz display.

    Ideally you'd change the refresh rate of the display to match the frame rate when playing video of different frame rates. MPC-HC, MadVR and probably Potplayer have options for doing so, but it depends what your display is capable of. Most LCD PC displays & many NTSC TVs are fixed at 60Hz. Fortunately in PAL land where the refresh rate is 50Hz, most TVs can at least refresh at both 50Hz and 60Hz.

    Anyway.... Reclock also has an option to reverse PAL speed-up. For 24fps film that's been sped up to 25fps PAL, you can tell ReClock to slow it down again. I do the opposite though and tell ReClock to speed 24fps up to 25fps and just leave my TV set to Refresh at 50Hz. I think the reason I decided to do it that way was because the player only tells the TV to change refresh rate when the video is running in fullscreen mode, plus I was having an issue with the old video card drivers crashing now and then when the player changed the refresh rate, so I do it the other way around.

    On the video darkness issue...
    I have my primary monitor's own settings adjusted so it's comfortable to my eyes when it's displaying programs or web pages or text etc. As a result it's not calibrated correctly for video and it always looks a bit dark, so I use the video card settings to boost the gamma and saturation a bit. I have my TV connected to the PC as a second monitor, but fortunately the video card can adjust the video settings for each display independently, so I can brighten up the video picture on the PC monitor without it effecting the TV picture.

    Having said that though..... are you certain the video card and monitor are set for the same levels?
    Video always uses "limited range" TV levels (16-235), whereas PCs traditionally use "full range" levels (0-255). For TV levels 16 is black and 235 is white, whereas for PCs 0 is black and 255 is white. If you send TV levels to a full range PC display the video can look a bit washed out. That's the most common mismatch, but these days LCD PC monitors are likely to have an option to set the input level. The LCD PC monitor I bought recently defaults to expecting limited range levels, so when it's connected to a PC and the player is expanding the levels to full range as it normally would, the opposite happens and the picture looks too dark. The video card defaults to TV levels when "use the nvidia settings" is selected, but the option to change it is under the Advanced tab. MPC-HC can only expand the levels itself when using the EVR or MadVR renderers, but if you think video is generally too dark have a look to see if your monitor has an input level setting and make sure the video card's output setting is the same.
    Last edited by hello_hello; 21st Jul 2016 at 01:53.
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  20. Originally Posted by loninappleton View Post
    Taking the recommendation for Reclock I downloaded the version at videohelp and
    ran setup.

    The folder in Programs (x86) contains many dlls and a couple .exe files one of which is called config.

    I don't know how or when it is activated with it's 'renderer' which is selected as default:
    no clue in the tray as to if it is active or even should be.

    Is this program engaged by a specific player setting?
    Reclock only runs when you play a video file containing audio, as from memory it installs as a DirectShow sound device and uses an internal PC clock to check and adjust the video frame rate (I can't remember the exact process) but that way it can also adjust and resample the audio so changing the frame rate doesn't change the audio pitch. It should install some start menu shortcuts for configuring it, although you shouldn't need to.

    For me, after it's installed, every time I open a video with a DirectShow player, Reclock pops up with a message asking if I want it to get involved. You can tell it to never run when using a particular player, to always run when using a particular player, or to always ask. If it's set to automatically run and it does you should see an icon in the system tray.
    It works flawlessly for me running XP but I don't know if there's any additional tweaking required to get past any Microsoft Win7 annoyances to make it work. It'll only work with a DirectShow player such as MPC-HC or Potplayer. It won't work with VLC.
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  21. I'll watch for the 'get involved message' when I play a difficult piece of media.

    As to the advanced explanation above, it appears that Reclock has a major function for a connected tv. I have crt monitor only and a very good display comes from media which is 720. Some content is that 1280 highest one and my solution has been to recode it in Vidcoder/Handbrake downward to something
    my cpu 'understands' better. Or at least that is my impression.

    If nothing further on NVidia Control Panel, where to go with MPC-HC out of the box? I have none of the
    newer faster display hardware. Is out of the box presets for MPC-HC adequate? The goal here is simply to squeeze what I can out of the software to keep my older hardware in the game.
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  22. I really don't think there's any magic MPC-HC settings. If you're not using MAdVR I'd go with EVR for Win7 and VMR9 for XP. Other than that it just plays video.

    I don't know if your video card is capable of hardware decoding but if you go into Options, select Internal Decoders and click the Video Decoder button, the LAV Filter preferences will open. Top right are some hardware decoding options. DXVA2 is the native Windows hardware decoding method, or there's NVidia Cuvid. I have to use the latter as XP doesn't support DXVA2 (only the original DXVA). The configuration should show you which types are available. If you change it, select okay and you might need to shut down MPC-HC and open it again for the change to take effect. My video card can decode mpeg2 or h264 video (not mpeg4 such as Xvid). When hardware decoding is used (rather than the CPU doing the decoding) it's indicated below the navigation bar.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	mpc-hc1.gif
Views:	5055
Size:	3.4 KB
ID:	37901

    I've attached a zip file for you. If you unzip it and put the bitmap file it contains in the same folder as MPC-HC, it'll use it for the navigation buttons instead of the defaults (you'll need to restart the player if it's running). It makes the buttons a bit bigger and a bit less fugly. Like so:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	mpc-hc2.gif
Views:	5026
Size:	8.2 KB
ID:	37902
    Image Attached Files
    Quote Quote  
  23. The ReClock message looks like this. It should pop up the first time you open a video file containing audio if ReClock is installed and working. If it doesn't.... well to be honest I've never had to worry about that. It's always worked for me.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	reclock.gif
Views:	58423
Size:	19.0 KB
ID:	37904

    If it's not working I wouldn't stress too much. ReClock isn't really a necessity.

    Although thinking about it.... I think a new audio renderer was added to MPC-HC recently. I don't know anything about it but maybe it doesn't play with ReClock. I'm only guessing as it doesn't work with XP and doesn't even show up in the list of audio renderers, but instead of "system default" you could try selecting Reclock as the audio renderer in MPC-HC's options to see if that works. I've never had to do it myself and I'm just guessing, but you can always change the setting back to the default if it doesn't work or bad things happen. Restart the player after you change it.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	mpc-hc3.gif
Views:	58975
Size:	42.8 KB
ID:	37905
    Quote Quote  
  24. I'll read this over carefully and report back any news or problems. Just now I'm in
    a motherboard headache.

    Will try the load of Reclock with an active media file with audio first. I'll do it with MPC.

    After that I'll review what the mikejung guide says for MPC to get Mad VR going.

    Always appreciate your detailed help.
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  25. A thought occurred to me..... are you using the 64 bit version of MPC-HC? I ask as ReClock is 32 bit so I think I'll only play with the 32 bit MPC-HC.
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  26. I think I put on 32bit because the MadVR guide mentions that but will double check.
    The screen clips are very helpful.
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  27. Originally Posted by hello_hello View Post
    The ReClock message looks like this. It should pop up the first time you open a video file containing audio if ReClock is installed and working. If it doesn't.... well to be honest I've never had to worry about that. It's always worked for me.

    [Attachment 37904 - Click to enlarge]

    If it's not working I wouldn't stress too much. ReClock isn't really a necessity.

    Although thinking about it.... I think a new audio renderer was added to MPC-HC recently. I don't know anything about it but maybe it doesn't play with ReClock. I'm only guessing as it doesn't work with XP and doesn't even show up in the list of audio renderers, but instead of "system default" you could try selecting Reclock as the audio renderer in MPC-HC's options to see if that works. I've never had to do it myself and I'm just guessing, but you can always change the setting back to the default if it doesn't work or bad things happen. Restart the player after you change it.

    [Attachment 37905 - Click to enlarge]
    I will leave off on the big button thing for the moment with thanks for the link.
    I reposted this with images to ask where does MadVR go in MPC-HC?
    At the moment I'm still going through the longish ReClock readme which as you
    say may be an accessory that no longer works.

    Just now I did load an AVI but in VLC and Reclock was not found. I was unclear
    until seeing the image above that you have to associate Reclock with a player. It makes sense,
    I just wasn't thinking it worked that way-- perhaps as an always on accessory from startup.

    Will return when I get more done with MCP-HC.
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  28. I don't use ReClock the way I suggested in the above screenshot because I don't have to. I suggested trying to select it as an audio renderer to see if it'd work that way given for you it's not running automatically. I previously mentioned ReClock doesn't work with VLC. It's a DirectShow filter and VLC is not a DirectShow player.

    Selecting MadVR:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	mpchc madvr.gif
Views:	6082
Size:	34.2 KB
ID:	37940
    Quote Quote  
  29. hello_hello,

    I apologize. I said was going to read through carefully but did not.

    And here I'm afraid I'll confuse things but the Nvidia Control Panel video options work fine for me-- or at least do what I want to lighten/brighten otherwise dark youtube selections.

    It took a bit to get MPC-HC changed over to x32. It failed to downlaod a few times yesterday which may have been my doing with system load. But because of that I used videohelp software selections to just get MPC-HC from earlier in the month x32.

    I have the program open and am reviewing to compare your screen shots.
    MadVR was showing I guess from a previous install preferences but it is in there. I'm now changing it over to Enhanced Video Renderer for Win7 as a baseline for these

    With EVR selected under DirectShow, I see only two possibilities for RealMedia and Quicktime which is Default and VMR9. I made them both VMR9.

    And I'll save some ini files as we go when I find the option.

    One thing I found as a workaround to all these program tweaks and players
    was to simply recode the jerky item downward from what has become the common 1280 x 1024 file spec. MediaInfo has been invaluable for this. If Handbrake/Vidcoder is used to recode down to 720, the problem for me has not reappeared. Is this a worthwhile topic to make as a separate help subject for others?

    I am continuing.

    The Reclock thing: I'm reading the extensive readme included with the download and they don't really get to install instructions til the end. It's 17 pages and begins with a video tutorial which I'm still in. I have a partial printed to paper copy so far. That's enough for this update. I'm still going through what has preceded.
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  30. Focussing on MCP HC yet I'm concerned about audio.
    VLC has extensive audio controls in the preferences. Is there audio control I have not found or
    can a tool be added with something like a hotkey?

    Potplayer has conveniently provided F7 which brings up Video controls for brightness and such.

    In VLC I try to turn off as much dynamics as possible and when encoding use nothing above stereo. I seek quiet viewing for late hours and have gotten that with VLC. Quiet here meaning that louds are suppressed in MCP HC.
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