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  1. i just burnt a svcd the disc played fine on pc but on vcd player it freeze for 2,3 secs every 5 minutes or more then can play again, anyone knows what my problem is n how to solve this?
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  2. Mod Neophyte redwudz's Avatar
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    Have any other SVCDs worked with your player? Maybe it not compatible to SVCDs?
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  3. Originally Posted by redwudz View Post
    Have any other SVCDs worked with your player? Maybe it not compatible to SVCDs?
    it sure is compatible to SVCDs becuz the manufacturer print it right on the player, n btw my svcd disc can play flawlessly on a dvd player i just tested this, so i think the problem is that my vcd player is just too picky with the svcds, is that right? if so do u know how to encode the video over again so that it can be played well without problem on my vcd player? is there a encode standard for svcd so that all svcd players can read it well without any error?
    ps: i downloaded the video with format mp4, then i used total video converter to change it to svcd format finally i created n burnt out the svcd with nero video.
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    SVCD was barely available commercially so players never really adopted the standards. Even Philips, who wrote the standard, doesn't fully support it on their players. They mostly support it, but not fully as all allowed features (ie. multiple audio tracks) don't work. I would consider it miraculous that a VCD player even attempts to play SVCD. If the manufacturer says it's compatible then they need to tell you what they support. Nero burned discs don't fully comply with SVCD standards. It's been too many years since I've made SVCDs for me to remember exactly what the problem was. Nero did some stuff in the way they set up the directories that wasn't compliant with the standards but tended to work on most DVD players (most people in the western countries use DVD players to play SVCDs - VCD players are basically impossible to buy there). It's also possible that your conversion software exceeds the video bit rate limit for SVCD and the freezes are happening when the video has a bit rate that is too high.

    Try making your SVCDs with VCDEasy. You can get the free version but please note that it absolutely WILL NOT WORK on any version of Windows after Windows XP. So if you have Vista, Win 7, Win 8 or Win 8.1, it will NOT work for you. If you have a version of Windows where VCDEasy won't work, you might try using VCDGear as that does work under Win 7 or at least I think it does, so it probably works under other versions of Windows too.

    Sometimes VCD players are very very fussy about media brands and you just have to try different brands until you find ones your player likes. You can also try burning to CD-RW as the reflectivity is different from CD-R and some players can handle CD-RW discs better. But please remember that CD-RW are NOT intended for long term storage and eventually your CD-RW discs will degrade and become unplayable after some years.

    To summarize:
    Your problem could be:
    1) Nero makes the SVCDs in a way that your player doesn't like.
    2) Your converting software uses too high a bit rate at times in the video and the player has problems with it.
    3) Your brand of media is a problem for the player.
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  5. Mod Neophyte redwudz's Avatar
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    I used to burn lots of SVCDs and still have quite a few. Most I've converted to DVD. I only had one set top player that would work with them. I mostly played them on a computer.

    We used to have a separate set of information about SVCDs to the top left on this page, but it's gone now. But if you go there and click on 'What is' DVD, then scroll down to 'Video File Comparison', you should see some 'standard' specifications for SVCDs. You can check your SVCD videos with something like MediaInfo to do a comparison and you might be able to find the problem.
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  6. Originally Posted by jman98 View Post
    2) Your converting software uses too high a bit rate at times in the video and the player has problems with it.
    thx 4 pointing this out, i believe this is the problem im facing with, it's the bitrate too high at times. i just remade the svcd over again, this time i adjusted the video bitrate from 2000kb/s to 1500kb/s n my vcd player can play smoothly no more freezing. problem gone but bad thing is the video quality went down along as well.

    What can i do to remain the video quality? is that possible by just keep the video bitrate as 2000kb/s plus set the maximum bitrate or peak bitrate so that the overall bitrate will never exceed the limit my vcd player can handle let's say 2200 or 2400 for instance? if it's possible then what software will help me do that? can total video conveter or xilisoft video converter do the job?
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    SVCD allows peak video bit rates of 2600 Kbps, but clearly your player's ability to play SVCD is EXTREMELY limited. If you have a lot of time to play around with this you can try setting a maximum bit rate of 2500 Kbps (yes, I mean 2500 as it's under the maximum) and an average bit rate of 1500 and hope that the parts of the video that exceed 1500 don't cause problems. You'll have to test and see what happens.

    I don't use either software product you asked about so I can't say what they can do. I would encode with the free HCenc if I was doing it, but you'll have to learn to use AviSynth to do that as you'll have to write a script to open your file.

    The lower your average bit rate, the lower the video quality you will have. At 1500 you're not much above VCD bit rates, so the quality won't be good. You'll just have to test and see what the player can handle. DVD players that support SVCD will be much less fussy than your VCD player, if you want to just buy a better player.
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  8. i can buy a total brand new dvd player here in vietnam with just 20bucks but i don't like it i want to make the svcd work for my vcd player!

    ok so i have done all as u advised, first i installed HCenc_025, Avisynth_258.exe and AvsPmod, then i opened AvsPmod n put in this script:


    Next i used HCenc_025 to open this avs file n reset the maximum bitrate, averate bitrate as desired , finally i clicked on encode button n let the software process, but the output file i got was just a m2v file, it lacks the audio!

    Plz tell me how can i get the complete mpg video output with both video and audio.
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    You need a program that can mux video and audio together. Old free versions of TMPGenc can do this. The free version of VCDEasy should also be able to do this but you'll need Win XP or earlier to run it. VCDGear may be able to do this - not sure.
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  10. thx a lot dude i guess i got all problems solved, i have successfully muxed video n audio together with TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress the mpg file is now complete.

    I have 1 more question, how can i extract audio from a mp4 file n convert it to mp2 vcd audio format? i used to do this step with help of total video converter but i think there's lots of better ways to do it? I tried to extract with TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress too but the software failed me, the error window popped up The parameter is incorrect. (error 0x80070057)
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    Yamb can demux MP4 files.

    BeSweet can convert the audio to MP2 format (technically this is called MPEG-1 layer II audio). You might try to get BeSweetGUI working if you want to use BeSweet.
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    Originally Posted by Peter_Parker View Post
    I have 1 more question, how can i extract audio from a mp4 file n convert it to mp2 vcd audio format? i used to do this step with help of total video converter but i think there's lots of better ways to do it? I tried to extract with TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress too but the software failed me, the error window popped up The parameter is incorrect. (error 0x80070057)
    One other option that is worth keeping alive is VLC. Most people think of it only as a player, but it does also have some transcoding capabilities. The interface for converting files definitely leaves much to be desired, but it does convert into mp2 (or mp3, for that matter) just about any audio format that it can play. When my other tools fail me, I turn to VLC for conversion. It rarely disappoints.
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