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  1. SpeciesOfPig
    I recently purchased a DMR-ES10 (UK Model) which was advertised as not having a working remote. For some reason, if I try and pass anything through it, the image goes black and white with the bottom of the image at the top of the screen. When no DVDs are playing, it seems to output in NTSC for some reason. If I play a PAL DVD, output switches to PAL and displays perfectly. I bought another remote and that didn't work either. I only have PAL sources so I haven't seen want happens if I try to passthrough an NTSC signal.

    With a working remote, is it possible to change the default output to PAL and will this fix this problem?
    Since it's obviously the DVD recorder that's broken, is it even possible to get it's IR sensor or whatever fixed at a reasonable price now?

    I suspect I'm gonna need a new DVD recorder.

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  2. Member turk690's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by SpeciesOfPig View Post
    With a working remote, is it possible to change the default output to PAL and will this fix this problem?

    Originally Posted by SpeciesOfPig View Post
    Since it's obviously the DVD recorder that's broken, is it even possible to get its IR sensor or whatever fixed at a reasonable price now?
    It's possible to replace defective IR sensors. I don't know where you are, though, and whether or not techs in your area will do it cheap and cheerfully, or will ask you for an arm and a leg, or even if they are up to it. However, as an electronics h/w professional and having fixed my fair share of IR remote issues, ten to one it's the remote control at fault. Here are some reasons the RC may be defective:
    • dead batteries
    • batteries do not sit properly or make good contact with terminals
    • roughly handled remote actually has a broken PCB and/or IR LED inside
    • has constantly been used for many years such that internal conductive parts of the rubber molded into buttons have worn off
    • been constantly used somewhere dirty & dusty (such as a cigarette-smoke hazed room) such that areas on PCB that are supposed to be shorted out when a button is pressed have grunge on them
    I have come across instances where, for a cheap chinese-made DVD player, three (!) remotes in succession that were tried were defective.

    It's of course possible the DVD recorder IR sensor is defective. The only times I found them defective, though, were
    • the unit was dropped and the faceplate cracked, along with the part of the PCB where the sensor was soldered
    • the unit was internally dust-bunny filled and sooty such that the inside of the acrylic window the sensor was facing was opaque (!); giving it a good wipe restored order
    Another time, the remote worked intermittently. After so much heave-ho, I realized the player it was supposed to control was facing a bright sunlit window; closing the drapes magically made the whole work again
    Lastly, be sure you have the correct remote. Even with the same brand, some remotes may not work across all model lines. Try programmable remotes that may have a setting for your DVD recorder.
    Last edited by turk690; 10th Jan 2014 at 17:45.
    For the nth time, with the possible exception of certain Intel processors, I don't have/ever owned anything whose name starts with "i".
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  3. Banned
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    Originally Posted by SpeciesOfPig View Post
    With a working remote, is it possible to change the default output to PAL and will this fix this problem?
    Since it's obviously the DVD recorder that's broken, is it even possible to get it's IR sensor or whatever fixed at a reasonable price now?

    I suspect I'm gonna need a new DVD recorder.

    Get the manual for the Pansonic. The first time you use a Panny remote or replacement remote, you gave to enter a code on the remote's keypad. I don't know what the ERS10's code is, but there are 2 or 3. Try the codes in the manual. The one that works is the one to use.
    Last edited by sanlyn; 19th Mar 2014 at 09:35.
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  4. SpeciesOfPig
    Thanks for the replies. I tried the remote code thing and it still never worked . I ended up getting it repaired for the same price I bought the thing. They repaired/replaced the IR sensor. I tried an almost unwatchable tape through it (picture bending and jumping back really quickly) and it appeared perfectly lined up and stable! Quite impressive.
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