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  1. I just captured some videos from my Sony TRV350 Camcorder. All of the videos were captured from the same Digital8 recording and the files were split by recording breaks. Some of the files have a corresponding .modd file and some do not.

    What is the .modd file for?
    Why do some files have it and others don't?
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  2. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    who knows. other than it's wrong. not enough info.

    start over and capture over firewire as DVavi.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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  3. It's metadata for PMH. Delete them if you want, it will just recreate them next time.
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  4. Originally Posted by smrpix View Post
    It's metadata for PMH. Delete them if you want, it will just recreate them next time.
    Why were they only created for some of the files?
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  5. Originally Posted by aedipuss View Post
    who knows. other than it's wrong. not enough info.

    start over and capture over firewire as DVavi.
    They were captured via firewire and they are DV files.
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  6. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    winDV doesn't create modd files at all. never heard of any DV capture program that did.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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  7. Originally Posted by aedipuss View Post
    winDV doesn't create modd files at all. never heard of any DV capture program that did.
    I did not use WinDV. I have tried it but it does not work with my Windows 7, 64bit system - doesn't recognize the camcorder is attached via firewire.
    I used PMB capture function which transferred the files exactly as it was recorded - DV. However, sometimes it adds a .modd file for a video and sometimes it doesn't. As I understand it, the .modd file is metadata, though I haven't been able to read that data.

    So, I believe PMB created a .modd file with other time/date data (PMH, which a previous poster mentioned is the newer version of PMB, the default Sony software). The question is, why is it only happening sometimes? I captured an entire tape that had no .modd file, then I captured another tape and half of the files had .modd files.
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  8. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    winDV works fine here on win7 64bit pcs. what's pmb?
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  9. Originally Posted by aedipuss View Post
    winDV works fine here on win7 64bit pcs. what's pmb?
    PMB (Picture Motion Browser) is Sony's software for capturing and managing photos and videos. I only use it to capture video from my camcorder. It seems to capture the video in the original DV format and places it and the audio in an AVI wrapper (in other words DV-AVI).

    I tried WinDV and just couldn't get it to work. I thought it was because of the OS (specifically 64bit) since I read of others having the same problem, but since you can use it it must be something else. I am willing to try WinDV if someone knows how to get it working.
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  10. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    windv needs to be in a folder that is not c:/program files or /program files(86). then right click on the .exe properties/compatibility and set it to always run as admin.

    set the windv config to type II avi. discontinuity 1, max avi size 999999, and whatever you want for file date/time in the name.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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  11. Originally Posted by aedipuss View Post
    windv needs to be in a folder that is not c:/program files or /program files(86). then right click on the .exe properties/compatibility and set it to always run as admin.

    set the windv config to type II avi. discontinuity 1, max avi size 999999, and whatever you want for file date/time in the name.
    WinDV never was in the program files - it did not install that way. I extracted it and dragged the exe file to the desktop. It started without incident.

    The settings were a non-issue. WinDV did not recognize that the camcorder was connected via firewire.
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  12. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    try setting it to run as admin.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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  13. Originally Posted by aedipuss View Post
    try setting it to run as admin.
    Ran it as administrator - didn't do any good. Shows "error" at the bottom.
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  14. Member PuzZLeR's Avatar
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    I did a bit of research, and it's obvious (even though I haven't used the software you're using) that these Modd files are just auxiliary files from the software.

    Many applications generate such files, such as editors, encoders, even Windows (such as Thumbs.db) and iTunes, etc. Some can be helpful, but only if you continue to use the software that generated them (such as a thumbnail, save spot, settings, etc). Outside, they would be useless.

    Some are just text files with a different extension and may have some useful info opening them up with Notepad.

    As for the global picture, with archiving DV, you don't need them, and deleting them will not affect the quality of the video/audio. They are not associated with DV streams or capture, only within use of the software.

    (I'm actually disappointed WinDV is not working for your system. Nice bit of software.)
    I hate VHS. I always did.
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