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  1. Below is a rather special case. This is an amateur capture of a 16mm film but as you can see, the frame rate caused black bars to appear horizontally. There probably is a proper name for this phenomenon, it must be related to the stroboscopic effect.

    Assume for a minute I can not recapture this. I only have this video and can't go back to the source.
    Is there still anything that can be done to reduce these floating stripes?

    You never know... All suggestions welcome. Thank you.

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    Before I saw the clip, I was about to lecture you on the telecine effect you get when using a 29.97fps video camera to capture images from a 16mm projector running at 24fps. But from looking at your clip, it looks like the timing between film and video speed is not that dramatically far apart. Are you, perhaps in Europe?

    You don't list your country. Are the film projection and video frame rate the same, like 25fps? If so, I am guessing that the shutter speed in your video camera is a wee bit too tight. Try shooting from the projection again, while fiddling with your camcorder's shutter speed control, until the horizontal bars are no longer perceptible.

    If, on the other hand, you are in an NTSC country, disregard what I just advised, and either shoot video at 24fps, or get a 16mm telecine projector, with 5-blade shutter. Then again, if both video camera and projector are 24fps, then you'd also need to experiment with different video shutter speeds, as I suggested above.
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  3. Originally Posted by filmboss80 View Post
    Try shooting from the projection again
    Sorry but the question is, can this video be rescued?
    Clearly it's not a good idea to record 24fps film with 25fps on camera. But I can not do this over.
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    Apologies. Sometimes I scan too quickly over these forum posts. I was so busy studying the clip that I overlooked this comment:

    Originally Posted by Spiny Norman View Post
    Assume for a minute I can not recapture this. I only have this video and can't go back to the source.
    I do not see a quick and easy solution to your problem. You would have to go frame-by-frame and lighten the horizontal section where the darkened bar is -- and even then, uniformity is doubtful.
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  5. You might contact john meyer at doom9. Pretty amazing avisynth + NLE approach developed by him and StainlessS
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  6. Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Pretty amazing avisynth + NLE approach developed by him and StainlessS
    Yeah, I thought so too at the time. But he left out a final and important, but also easy, step - fixing it so the left side wasn't any darker than the right.

    john meyer is very helpful, and by posting at Doom9 he might even come up with a modified script to fix this one.
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