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  1. Member
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    i noticed the post about showing your edited stuff is a little inactive now, so i thought i'd start a new post. first off, HUGE thanks go out to fonoop for hosting these. without him, this would not be possible. second, understand that this was all in fun. most of thes projects i don't take to seriously. now to the good stuff;
    Aggresive Gtin' Quick video of me and my buddies enjoying the long canadian winters on our gt's.
    Crash a whole bunch of internet clips of crashes thrown together with an appropriate song.
    GIjoe sound clip courtesy brandon dicamillo of cky fame.
    Gotta Get Away Me and my friends doing what we always do, stupid shit for the camera.
    Great Balls Of Fire What happens when you mix adolescense with $20.00 worth of fireworks.
    Ollie Ollie is this Crazy old man that is at my local mcdonald's ALL the time. he's very sexist and dirty. He love's to tell dirty jokes to us.
    you drink booze, you looze. The last video resulted when my friends called me at 7:00 and said they had a project due on drunk driving the next day for english. I grabbed my camera and headed out. including filming, editing, and getting pulled over by FOUR police squad cars it only took 3.5 hours to create.
    HOpe you guys like these, I look forward to your comments
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  2. As I said I have put up the film so everyone can enjoy it.
    Take a look at:
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  3. Member
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    unfortunately MadMax_911 i couldn't see your movie. apparantly it's bigger than one meg. so the free site won't allow a download.
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  4. TA69 where did you shoot your aggresive GTing? it looks like a hill i used to slide down...
    Byt he way fonoops nice connection! I was downloading at a very respectable 160kps...
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  5. I just checked out your crash video which is technicly the best of your videos i've watched, but i could have done without the one where ppl probably got killed or you could have put a warning or something... If i wanted to see dead ppl i would have gone to
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  6. ok, I finally edited the james bond spoof. I put it on the back burner cuz I didn't think it was that good and then someone told me how good they thought it was so I thought I'd give it a try. Its called The Janitor Who Loved Me. This was done shortly after I got my dv camera. It was edited in Ulead VideoStudio 6.

    The Janitor Who Loved Me

    The Janitor Who Loved Me Real Video 9 Streaming
    I will not eat oysters. I want my food dead - not sick, not wounded - dead.- Woody Allen
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  7. Member
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    first of all, I live in winnipeg, Manitoba. that "hill" if you can call it that, is just 10 minutes from my house.
    as for people dying, the only clips where someone could have died, i had seen on television before. so maybe you should stop living in your parents basement, get outside, and realize this world is a messed up place. there are no dead bodies in the clip either.
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  8. Yeah your right maybe i forgot all about violence between when i got stabbed in the shoulder and when i got a gun pointed at me... or maybe that's why i don't like gratuitus violence, like some guy getting hit by a car...
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  9. Member
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    not to start anything, but that guy getting hit by a car is actually faked, it's been on the internet for years now.
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  10. Remember Memento?

    That sure is a great movie. It was nominated for best screenplay, but did not win. I Have watched the movie 6 times + 1. It is just an incredible piece of art work!

    I have heard many people request that the film be edited, so the timeline is correct.

    Well, the Vite version was PAL, 25fps, 640 x 272 SBX divx3.11 and vbr mp3.

    It took a bit of doing, but their release was converted back to 24fps and the mp3 to a length-adjusted wav. It was then opened in vdub and vid/audio direct stream copied to a new file from the second keyframe to the second to last keyframe. It was then opened in adobe premiere 6.0 and each track in time was razor cut and all the info about each track was jotted down in excel. In frame #, out frame # and various info about what was happening in the movie. This is the in/out info:

    in out
    1 3618 4195
    2 4196 9181
    3 9182 10042
    4 10043 14633
    5 14634 15914
    6 15915 23277
    7 23278 24370
    8 24371 32034
    9 32035 32956
    10 32957 38457
    11 38458 40980
    12 40981 45611
    13 45612 46858
    14 46859 56741
    15 56742 57884
    16 57885 58070
    17 58071 64552
    18 64553 64819
    19 64820 66290
    20 66291 70424
    21 70425 71107
    22 71108 74964
    23 74965 75286
    24 75287 75763
    25 75764 77104
    26 77105 77388
    27 77389 81510
    28 81511 82756
    29 82757 85654
    30 85655 86621
    31 86622 90225
    32 90226 93487
    33 93488 99854
    34 99855 100684
    35 100685 105082
    36 105083 105690
    37 105691 111266
    38 111267 112095
    39 112096 117657
    40 117658 118779
    41 118779 119901
    42 119902 120450
    43 120451 124597
    44 124598 129792
    45 129793 135294
    46 135295 158969
    47 158970 163187

    It was then time line corrected to this:
    16 57885 58070
    1 3618 4195
    3 9182 10042
    5 14634 15914
    7 23278 24370
    9 32035 32956
    11 38458 40980
    13 45612 46858
    15 56742 57884
    19 64820 66290
    21 70425 71107
    23 74965 75286
    26 77105 77388
    28 81511 82756
    30 85655 86621
    32 90226 93487
    34 99855 100684
    36 105083 105690
    38 111267 112095
    40 117658 118779
    42 119902 120450
    44 124598 129792
    46 135295 158969
    45 129793 135294
    43 120451 124597
    41 118779 119901
    39 112096 117657
    37 105691 111266
    35 100685 105082
    33 93488 99854
    31 86622 90225
    29 82757 85654
    27 77389 81510
    24 75287 75763
    25 75764 77104
    22 71108 74964
    20 66291 70424
    17 58071 64552
    18 64553 64819
    14 46859 56741
    12 40981 45611
    10 32957 38457
    8 24371 32034
    6 15915 23277
    4 10043 14633
    2 4196 9181
    47 158970 163187

    I can now say that I really understand the movie completely.

    This may end up getting released, but if not, you have the info here to fix the time line yoursef. It is a worth while effort. You only need to adjust the frame # for was the first to second keyframe difference. Use a spreadsheet app and it can be done instantly with =sum(??+value) statement.

    Here is the thing. If you have not seen this movie, then please go buy it or rent it, as it is a masterpiece and READ NO FUTHER until you do.

    If you cannot find the release anywhere or some group wants to do this and release it; the info is here.

    The movie is still a masterpiece on the real time timeline.

    Here is what really happened:

    All the B/W is the beginning of the time line where he is in hotel talking to Teddy on phone. Teddy convinces him to kill Jimmy, because he tells him the name is Jimmy/James not John.

    When he kills Jimmy, he takes a picture. As the picture develops, the world turns to color. Most people do not see this happen. He takes Jimmys clothes and drags him downstairs. In Jimmys last breath, he says Sammy. Leonard then realizes that he killed the wrong person. That is when Teddy pulls up. He checks his pictures and is suspicious of Teddy. Teddy lies to him about some stuff and he busts him at the lies and writes that down that Teddy is a liar on his picture. He also writes down Teddys license # to mess with him later because he knows Teddy set him up to kill Jimmy for the money. He then leaves in Jimmys car wearing his clothes. He find the bar coaster in Jimmys clothes pocket that says meet me later, Natalie. The address of the bar was on the coaster. He drives there, pulls up to the back, Natalie walks up to the car and says, Jimmy. Then realizes its not him and eyeballs the clothes. Jimmy was Natalies boyfriend. He goes in the bar, they all spit in his drink, but when she realizes that he does not remember anything and hears about his wife, she takes the spit drink away and brings him a fresh one. He goes home with her from the bar. She goes out, comes back with busted lip, because Dodd, Jimmys boss, wants the 200 Gs that was in the trunk and cant find Dodd. She is scared and pulls a trick on him to get him to hit her, then uses that to convince him to go kill Dodd. He does believe, but only beats Dodd up and makes him leave town. He comes back with a pic of Dodd beat up and she is happy and goes to bed with him. She sees the tattoo on his leg of the license # and has a friend run the # and it comes back with Teddys info. At this point, he believes Teddy really is John G. and then calls him up and takes him for a ride and kills him.

    Natalie never knows that Teddy was the one that got Jimmy killed. She actually really did care about Leonard, but was so scared by Dodd that she used him for defense. Nothing more.

    You never really know if he ever did kill the real murderer/John G., because the only info comes from Teddy and he was always lying. It is pretty funny how Teddy sends him back to the hotel he is already checked into to keep tabs on him. The clerk, who informs for Jimmy, sells him another room.

    The reason the timeline is skewed is to make you feel like him, lol

    As hard as you try, you can't remember.
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  11. my goodness, try the whole log next time.... oooo
    you're shaking the very foundations.


    so now, you have taken people, myself included that did not participate in this thread and put them here.

    and censoring the content while you're at it... think that speaks for itself.
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  12. forgot to add:

    you kinda left yourself open on the first bit there..

    people may actually goto dalnet and find out for themselves..

    che opped me long, long ago. and i actually work in vV
    while you post censored text to forums. heck, my website
    is listed below.. you just rattle on with the name calling.

    very very productive, and genuinely seats yourself as
    a mature individual and well versed in conversational

    anyway, ask anyone at vV. the WebMonkey was there before yekram, i mean whatever his nick is, is there after him, and is still there.

    how pathetic and i apologize for intruding on your forum, but defending vV
    and myself was needed.

    thanks for your time
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  13. apoligy on irc accepted.
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  14. [11:21] <WebMonkey> the live action runs backwards in scenes,--- no actually, only the first color ara runs backwards, the rest run foward, just the clips are cut and moved to reverse order
    [11:22] <WebMonkey> the phone calls are running forward in scenes <--I know that, whats the point?

    now i'd appreciate if you would just admit this and be done. i was nothing but polite with you in channel, as i always am.

    your own post here on the forum shows EXACTLY what i was saying.
    the scenes themselves are better reference points than the color or lack thereof to base the timeline on.

    YOU say this trying to discredit me here. i am wrong more often than i would like to be, but in your rant, you've vindicated me.

    geez, grow up just a bit. i've tried to tone it down here.
    and you can say anything you like about vV, nick this, nick that,
    it doesn't change anything. and bringing other people from the chat
    channel is just pure immaturity on your part. the nicks that spoke up
    for me did, and will do because i'm respected, not feared, as i respect those interested in vV. you came in boasting of your works which very well could be wonderful. you treated any comment contrary to your own as completely wrong, and here you are validating it. you were
    not banned, nor kicked in any way. as much as you would like to imply
    by your posting. snippage/censor of any kind is subjective, you said what you cut doesn't matter, who has the say?

    keep going, you have 50+ posts on this forum alone to pick from, how differing ideas would there be? to you, this means arrogance, ignorance, denial of truth. others may think it's called experience. digital video has been a part of my hobbies before whitebook was agreed upon? can you say the same?
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  15. lag sux. i'm through, put these last two above your last post, whatever.
    i think i'm having an aneurism. geez, talk about cross band repeating. irc/forum/forum/irc, perhaps usenet, no wait... fido network, dang tri toss should still be working.

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  16. This thread and forum really is not the place for this stuff. Show some respect and remove your posts. I spent days putting that togther and verifing it was correct before posting it. It was not cool for you to just shoot it down publily like I had done nothing and that I had done something wrong. You need to chill out.
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  17. Member
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    No webserver
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  18. First of all, my congratulations to each and everyone of the adventurous guys who dare to show their stuff. Since I left University (more than a decade ago) I haven't made a movie for my own pleasure. I've Written, Produced, Directed, Postproduced, Animated, Edited, Musicalized, Supervised and Transfered maybe 500 or more TV Commercials and a movie (not in that order and not at the same time, but I've been in many different positions because I just love to learn new things) and I've never shown the shorts I made at school, neither the music videos, and stuff I made with my crazy friends. I'm feeling old and nostalgic, and as this new technologies inspire us to experiment, I'm looking for my old material to re-edit it and remaster it to new standards, and want to correct a few mistakes I remember I did. And I'd love to have the time to experiment again.
    But the point of this post was something else:

    Do your stuff the way you like it. Choose whatever subject you can think of. Treat it the way you feel inside. Comunicate your ideas. Fall in love with your projects. Search for new ideas. For YOUR OWN ideas. Forget reality shows. Moviemaking is all about storytelling. It's fantasy. It's making dreams come true.

    I'd like to invite you all to check this article, which will tell you a little about what can be done if you really want to. It's not new but it's there to remind me why I chose this life.,7220,111478,00.html
    In this industry, Sadly, The future was yesterday.
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  19. Member
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    No webserver!
    # SNiGLA @ EFnet
    # vcdhelp @ EFnet
    # vcdhelp @ DALNet
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  20. Hey folks, I'm back.
    I have to do a couple of things for my school first, and than I will write some comments about your movies.
    Of course I haven't made new movies, but I hope it won't take long.
    So patience.
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  21. I've got a musikvideo made as a final project in a class. I haven't gat anyware to place it for your viewing. Please anyone. Please tell me a free place where I can place my 10mb DivX5.02.
    I'll put it up as soon as I can.
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  22. Originally Posted by MadMax_911
    I've got a musikvideo made as a final project in a class. I haven't gat anyware to place it for your viewing. Please anyone. Please tell me a free place where I can place my 10mb DivX5.02.
    I'll put it up as soon as I can.

    BTW If you split it into two files (with Winzip) with a size of 5mb you can place it at you can be sure it will work, perhaps they placed a download limit on it
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  23. Here is my edited movie. Basically it's G'd up from the Feet up; a drug deal gone wrong (fictional, of course). Take a look!

    You need the DivX 5.0 codec to watch it!

    Tell me what u think!
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  24. No Longer Mod tgpo's Avatar
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    Commercial I made just messing around.
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  25. Thanks bartjuh !
    My musicvideo is now online. It's a school project made byu me and a friend.
    I just reencoded it so it's in DivX 5.02
    Please submit your opinions about it...
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  26. hi all...

    i want show my work too....
    some opinions ??ty i think u need to paste the url in urs browser to download it.
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  27. Push Crotch is the last one I made, Dinner With A Kraut was second to last. Have about 30 more before these. Check them out and let me know what you think.
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  28. Member
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    This is one top thread !!!

    Lets see some more movies
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  29. Member
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    Me and my friend have done a new movie. It is based on the game QUAKE.
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