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  1. Hi. I'm trying to play a movie in vlc. I have a folder that includes the sub, idx and avi files. I've tried dropping the idx and the sub files (separately and together) into the vlc window after loading the avi. I understand that idx points to sub. I've tried clicking on every track in the video dropdown under subtitles in vlc. No subtitles. What am I missing?

    Any help would be most appreciated.
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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Are they named same like video.avi, video.idx, video.sub? Then it should load automatically.

    Or try MPCHC.
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  3. They look like this: video.idx, video.sub, video.2008. But when I look at the properties of the video.2008, it says it's an .avi file. Is the problem in the way it appears as .2008?

    Thanks much for the link to the MPCHC. I will try that if I can't get it to work in VLC, where I prefer to view videos.
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  4. Originally Posted by orange666 View Post
    Is the problem in the way it appears as .2008?
    That's my guess. Have you tried renaming the extension as .avi yet?
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  5. I did just try that. It ended up showing as video.avi.avi. So I guess "avi" was the imbedded extension and it just appeared to be 2008. Either way, it didn't play. I guess I'll download MPCHC, and try that, but it's a little annoying to have to go to that trouble when all my other files play fine in VLC. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. And thanks for your help so far.
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  6. How about a MediaInfo text of what you have. Have you tried getting rid of one of those .avi's in the Video.avi.avi?
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  7. I downloaded MediaInfo and it looks like all three files are properly named, with same titles and correct extensions. Not sure how to use it beyond that.

    And about the copy of the avi I made, I did remove one of the avi's, and that didn't help either.
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  8. How's MPC-HC handle it then? Me, I don't like VLC at all.

    Sorry, but I'm not much help.
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