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  1. Here goes my first thread and i'm sure its in the wrong place, sorry. I've had Ulead dvd moviefactory 6 launcher for a few years now and have been very happy so far. I have just bought a new PC with Windows 8 and uploaded Ulead dvd moviefactory 6 launcher. I've also bought a Gopro hero2 camera, the problem is the Gopro video's are MP4 and Ulead dvd moviefactory 6 launcher doesn't seem to support this. Is there a patch or a way to do this.
    Thanks for any help.
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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Aug 2000
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    I doubt that.

    Upgrade to dvd moviefactory 7 or look for another editor/authoring tool like tmpgenc authoring works. Try the trials first.

    Or if you are just are going to convert your mp4s to dvd with basic cutting try free tools like freemake video converter, avstodvd, video to video converter.
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  3. Originally Posted by Baldrick View Post
    I doubt that.

    Upgrade to dvd moviefactory 7 or look for another editor/authoring tool like tmpgenc authoring works. Try the trials first.

    Or if you are just are going to convert your mp4s to dvd with basic cutting try free tools like freemake video converter, avstodvd, video to video converter.

    Thanks Baldrick
    I uploaded a free trial of dvd moviefactory 7 and it worked a treat, I better spend some money now and buy it.
    Thanks again.
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