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Poll: What version do you prefer?

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  1. Hi Potplayer users,

    I'm happy to announce that my skins will always be available to download here.

    Install: Just copy the dsf files you want to test or use in the skins folder under potplayer installation directory. Don't forget to install provided fonts on your system (just google how to install fonts on Windows if you're a very noob)

    There are English and French version and foreign users can now easily translate this skin.


    Playing file through detached playlist

    Advanced mode

    Audio skin

    Advanced mode

    Control box is translatable


    More screenshots of my PotPlayer version can be seen here

    As my [+] skin has evolved since the first release of my PotPlayer in French in 2011/07/25, I would appreciate that users give me a feedback by participating to the above poll

    Note 1: Tooltip on button may display as xxx | yyy. It means the button has 2 commands : left and right mouse click separated by |.

    Note 2: If current file info (video and audio codec) is not properly displayed, just check if you use the built-in splitter/codec to play the file. This should fix the issue.

    Translators: Just edit the PotplayerPattern.ini file and post it here.

    For those who want to make their own skins. Here are some basis:
    • dsf skins file are just zip file, so uncompress them to access their content
    • basically, you'll find xml & png files
    • xml files are like html+css files, they manage where elements must stand
    • to custom an existing skin see in xml file what png image it refers to display main area, playlist area, etc.
    • in png image, you'll find the skin buttons in different state, generally 4: normal;hover;pressed;... I don't remember if order is right, test it!
    • to refer to a specific button in your xml file, enter the coordinate (top left corner) of the normal state button you want to display and its size ( see other button in xml to see how it works). Generally, your image editor should display these informations in the status bar when you select an area. I use

    Making a skin for PotPlayer is retro engineer a existent skin, connect your brain to high voltage power & go. Be patient & relentless. If I can do it, so can you.
    Last edited by freMea; 16th Jun 2014 at 11:43. Reason: more info
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    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Search Comp PM
    First of all: nicely-done job, I have to say.

    Even though I stopped using PotPlayer(Mini) months ago, I will try it again A.S.A.P. , because MPC-BE doesn't please me anymore, and besides, there are NO *major* differences between MPC-BE and MPC-HC i.m.h.o.

    For the time being, all I can say is, I like those custom fonts , and I think it won't be very difficult for me to change certain background colors to the ones which my eyes consider more appropriate.

    As for the page ,

    you'd better update "Note 2", because of that hyperlink that leads to nowhere.

    And welcome to VH.
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  3. Thanks. My site is fixed.

    What color don't you like?
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  4. I really line the V3 skin. Is there any way to make "advanced mode" persistent so I don't have to check the box every time?
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  5. Originally Posted by rd58 View Post
    I really line the V3 skin. Is there any way to make "advanced mode" persistent so I don't have to check the box every time?
    C'mon ! Do you really need advanced options every time you play a file? You're weird, but hey, i'm not judging.

    Download attachment and enjoy, unzip, etc. Advanced options will display while playing a file.

    Vote the poll.
    Image Attached Files
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  6. Your view of me is shared by many. Thanks for the update.
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  7. Originally Posted by freMea View Post
    Originally Posted by rd58 View Post
    I really line the V3 skin. Is there any way to make "advanced mode" persistent so I don't have to check the box every time?
    C'mon ! Do you really need advanced options every time you play a file? You're weird, but hey, i'm not judging.

    Download attachment and enjoy, unzip, etc. Advanced options will display while playing a file.

    Vote the poll.
    I rather liked v3 with advanced mode too, but may I ask what you use to edit this dsf format?I would rather wish to moved the play/pause/stop/previous file/next file buttons to middle.
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  8. Hi, I've installed the latest x64 version but the executable seems to be missing, can you fix it please?

    Thanks in advance and keep working, it's great!
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  9. Oups, Actually, some other files are missing too.

    I'll fix it. Go download it again about 21h30.
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  10. I love this skin.
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  11. Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    Search Comp PM
    Hi, Love your skin, have been using it for a long time. If you ever do an update could you please make it so it allows making potplayer window smaller? as it is now i can't make window size as small as i'd like because of your skin. When using your skin (any version nr of them) the smallest window size still takes little bit over half of the screen horizontally. Thank You
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