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  1. I was running VOB2MPG, but I ran out of disk space while it was running, so it crashed. Now, when I try to start it, it says "This application has encountered an error: 0xD000011E". I tried reinstalling it, but it didn't help. Please help me!
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  2. Hello. I have just encountered the same problem (which has the same cause - running out of disk space while VOB2MPG was running). Now, every time I try to open VOB2MPG I get the message "This application has encountered an error: 0xD000011E". Reinstalling, shutting down the machine and restarting, etc. doesn't help. Please could anyone tell me what to do to get the program working again. It has been absolutely brilliant so far, but is now unusable - if anyone can tell me what to do I would be very grateful. Thanks everyone.
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