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  1. Hey--
    We have a bunch of audio microcassettes of family stuff. Basically like these:

    They capture some really nice moments not captured anywhere else. I was wondering, how would I go about transferring them to a digital long lasting format, like MP3 or something, without any great loss of audio quality?

    Basically I want to convert them to a format that will still be in the same general condition in 50 years as it is now. A digital format that won't degrade.
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  2. Banned
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
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    Digital formats do not degrade - ever.

    I recommend if possible that you capture to WAV (also known as PCM and LPCM) format as this is lossless and 50 years from now everything will still be able to deal with it.

    As far as the capture method goes, I will leave that to others. I have a way to do it but it involves some antiquated equipment I bought about 10 years ago and someone here surely knows a more practical method that you could follow.
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  3. Take the line-level or headphone output of your micro cassette player and plug it into your computer's line-in or microphone-in. Play the tapes on the player, record with software on the computer -- like Audacity.
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