Might have one that hasn't been found,i once in awhile start to get an itchy throat and an eye watering for no reason.
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I think,therefore i am a hamster.
"a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303 -
$50 per month in Claritin-D.
Narf, poit, and yippee for me!
If I miss a dose,
I feel morose.
All these damned pills for a reprieve.
What can I say -- I like to breathe!Want my help? Ask here! (not via PM!)
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We should stop eating sugar in any form and dairy products , these things attack our auto immune system. Sugar is a toxin for sure. It will get into books, it'll take some time though.
Don't have any - we lived in the country when I was small, with many animals. Maybe there is something to the "super clean is bad for you" theory.
Penicillin, and some cats in recent years. Mild lactose intolerance.
-The Mang -
I have multiple respiratory allergies and food allergies. Fortunately, none of them are severe enough to be life-threatening, but I try to stay away from the worst offenders on my food list.
I have quite a few allergies...I just don't know what they are. I can't afford to see an allergist to see what I have issues with. They affect everything health wise. My vision can get odd when it's real bad outside. I've tried every OTC med there is and none work. That's life I guess.
Unfortunately, lately, my joints have been blowing up like balloons. I agree with MoonTrash. That's life I guess, and the lack of a universal healthcare system in the U.S. leaves people like him in the dust.
I'm convinced that's true, and also convinced that people will mostly "grow out" of allergies if nature is allowed to take its course. That is, a child's immune system will eventually adjust. Yes, you can always find exceptions.
I grew up on a farm, a very dirty place, with lots of allergens floating around. And boy, did I ever have allergies.
To give an example, one year my father planted oats, which he had not done since I was born. One day the plants started pollinating, and my face swelled up to the point my eyes were not visible. That's what my mother told me anyway. What I remember (and I was very small) was my mother shrieking and bundling me into a truck and taking me to the hospital in town. Where the doctors gave me an antihistamine and told my mother it was just allergies and "he'll grow out of it". They were right.
So they sent us home with a bottle of antihistamine pills and the caution not to use them unless it's a serious reaction, thereby preserving its effectiveness. My mother asked my father what could have caused it and he straightaway said it must be the oats (as a farmer he was of course aware of the condition of his crops day-by-day).
I still get a sniffle or two for a few days when the multiflora rose blossoms, but that's about it.Pull! Bang! Darn! -
I have a slight allergy to dust, and probably cat dander, which is interesting because we have 5 cats (we're not old enough to have more).
Tree and weed pollen is the death of me! In the spring through summer I take allegra, in the fall through winter I take zyrtec. Occasionally supplemented by chlor-Trimeton.
--dES"You can observe a lot by watching." - Yogi Bera
http://www.areturningadultstudent.com -
As a kid: Ragweed/Grass, Cat/Dog dander, Strawberries (even though I loved them), a few other things. Pretty bad, really. Every spring and fall I would miss weeks of school being so congested I could barely breathe.
Took allergy shots weekly in grade school & middle school. They actually do work! Build up your immunity in a controlled fashion & all that.
By the time I was in H.S., didn't need them anymore.
Then I moved to college. Had to start all over again (different items this time: cedar oak, some pollens), but at least it wasn't nearly as severe (so I didn't do the shots).
Years later, I moved back to the Midwest. Started all over with a different set of triggers, taking a (5-6) few years before it lightened up to be ignorable.
Moved to the Maritimes, and WOW! No problems at all, my breathing felt great the whole year! So what did I do? Move back to the midest. BWOMP-BWOMP!
Started all over again. It does seem to be getting lighter overall as the years pass.
Now, the only thing I'm really allergic/intolerant of is: INTOLERANCE, IGNORANCE and NARROW-MINDEDNESS!
Scott -
None - grew up in the city with 6 cats, 2 dogs a parrot and a few canaries. As a kid we were encouraged to go around bare footed until start of school. I think the over emphasis on cleanliness for kids is preventing them from having their immune system challenged and hence building up immunity.
SONY 75" Full array 200Hz LED TV, Yamaha A1070 amp, Zidoo UHD3000, BeyonWiz PVR V2 (Enigma2 clone), Chromecast, Windows 11 Professional, QNAP NAS TS851 -
Allergic to bee stings. Strange since I was raised on a ranch as a child and was always getting stung with no adverse effects.
Went for about 10 years without a sting and than when I was stung on my arm my whole arm swelled up to almost double it's size. After carrying around an using an eppi pen every time I was stung after that time I found out that just rubbing a fresh sting with over the counter Hydrocortisone cream worked just as well. [Eppi Pen replacements.. $75 each. Tube of Hydro cream $2.50 each] Since I wear contacts I had some contact lens storage containers around so I cut the 2 sections apart and filled them with the cream. Now I have about a doz of them lying around everywhere...just in case.
Tony -
Cats, dust, some airborne pollen and mold, bee stings, and a couple of odd ones: kiwis and avocados.
The only stuff that works for me when needed (and I've tried a lot, both prescription and OTC):
Last edited by p_l; 3rd Jul 2012 at 03:47.
I have to avoid caffeine because I became prone to panic attacks. I have found out that I am sensitive to citrus products, hazelnuts, vanilla as they get me nervous and make my body pump out adreynlin. I am on medication to help with my anxiety disorder, and actually there is a warning on my medication to stay away from caffeine which I do. I have to look at labels to make sure I don't consume something that will give me the panic reaction. I ended up eating a cookie and got pretty jumpy, and noticed in the ingredient list cocoa powder was listed. I dread panic attacks, they are not any fun. I also have developed an intolerance to homogenized milk; the last time I had some I coughed almost constantly for two months, and was full of phlem. I switched to 1 percent milk which I consider at treat, I mostly drink water. I avoid juices because they add extra vitamin C to a lot of them which bothers me.
_Al_: I would suggest you do some research for meal recipes by Adventist. They use alternatives to using white sugar and dairy products in the meals that they make. You don't have to join the Adventist Church or anything like that, I just thought I should mention that there are free resources in case you make your own meals and sugar and dairy are not to your liking.
cal-tony: I am glad you found the Hydro cream help you. I don't know if the reaction to bee stings gets worse over time; but I do know some people have to absolutely have the Epi-Pen as they get to the point quite quickly where they can't breath and this can happen with other allergies as well, such as the peanut allergy. It might be wise to keep an Epi-Pen handy just in case your allergy becomes worse.
I am grateful as a Canadian for the Public Heath Care System. I am quite sure if the United States was to expand Medi-Care for all that the vast majority of people would like it. I am not saying Canada's system is perfect, but being a person of limited income I am grateful we have it.Last edited by Tom Saurus; 3rd Jul 2012 at 14:38. Reason: Adding some more information
I agree on your comment re: Canadian health care.
My symptoms were strange.
I went thru a number of eppi pens for bee stings and the symptoms you mention about breathing problems was never one of my symptoms. I just swelled up around the sting site. If I got stung on my forearm the swelling would extend from my wrist to my elbow and no further but there was a lot of swelling and it would last for 2 to 3 days without the eppi shot. I found the cream thru trial and error. Not from my physician and surprisingly... it worked better than the eppi shot.
Tony -
diary & wheat cause otherwise my joints get to me. Dairy causes pimples for adults too.
As one American who got to live a year in Canada, I know firsthand the kind of care given (to both citizens and NON-citizens). It is like Night (U.S.) and Day (Canada
). I just wish we could get to that point here.
Canadians will grumble if they have a few snags, but I never met a one that wasn't proud of their system.
Americans who deride it have probably never experienced it.
I usually agree with the "build up of tolerance through exposure" method, but this doesn't work for everyone, nor for all times. Some things, like lactose intolerance, make one MORE sensitive the more one is exposed. I have a sister-in-law that is HIGHLY allergic to latex & other things. Didn't used to be that way, but it built up to the point where she starts having problems if there's slight physical contact.
It just depends...
Scott -
got allergies from the time I was born.....allergic to milk, whole wheat, eggs, citrus fruits & veggies such as strawberries, oranges, mangoes, tomatoes, chocolate, all seafood, penicillin, dust mites, cat and dog dander.....I take zyrtec daily and long acting inhaler daily to control asthma....living in paradise in Hawaii is murder for those of us that have allergies.....other than that I'm fine....LOL!
allergies/intolerances? yea the ex
I take Xyzal for allergies during Spring and Summer