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  1. Member Bernix's Avatar
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    Hi, thank you.
    Just read email and maintenance of my internet provider start soon. Just to crop parameter. This first 0,5 there is original number 0,75. When this is there auto crop feature doesn't work for content close to 4:3 ratio some are even more bit like 4:3,something. Channel i am watching is in full HD just old things so most are 4:3 or as i said more squarish and close to it with black borders on sides. If i don't lower this value, auto crop feature made that all section measure but result is all 0. So glad it worked for me when i lower this. Yes probably too low, but it doesn't matter really for me. Here comes the picture from crop misc tab. The first number. It is from advanced crop tab.

    [Attachment 54844 - Click to enlarge]

    Otherwise it didn't work.
    Also got idea not sure if possible to implement. If this scan notice there is full frame image it stop analyze. But yes, it is no needed, fast enough.

    Thank you for your answer very much. Yes i know thread is bit difficult, but my point is more lower it, rather than use higher value, mostly encoding in parallel which utilize CPU good enough. Just in some special case. Also i know process is default below normal actually in idle priority.

    EDIT: Not on so old, but to make it sure downloaded latest
    EDIT2: it doesn't say audio need to be adjusted, it told me HEv2 AAC need stereo as source and simply let me know this. Not any adjustment mentioned. No any other action. Aborted therefore. Just source was stereo.

    That maintenance is any minute, not sure all will be send. See you and good night!

    Thank you and see you!
    Last edited by Bernix; 9th Sep 2020 at 15:55. Reason: Edit and Edit 2
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  2. Member Bernix's Avatar
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    here i made video and put it on streamable. First analyze pass is with default hybrid settings, which do not allow content close to or exact 4:3 from 16:9 screen working. And what must be modified to it work. Sorry for length of video. And yes i could set less frames to analyze, so... But in first case it know there will not be any crop since first analyzed frame. <- In fact in this case it do not know, but in some cases it knows at first frame.

    That settings of first pass is how Hybrid comes default, not sure enough time spot that 0,75 in video.
    I got one which is exact cut from 1920x1080 to 1440x1080. But with default it cant work either.

    Don't know if tag video will work, but get link for sure easy.

    See you!
    Last edited by Bernix; 10th Sep 2020 at 09:10.
    Quote Quote  
  3. Ah, okay now I get it. 1920*0.75 = 1440, so the width can at maximum be reduced by 480 pixels but your source needs 530.
    So lowering the default to 0.7 would allow 576 (= 1920 - 1920*0.70) which should do the job.
    Will adjust the default value to 0.7 for the next relaese.
    Until then you can simply set the value to 0.7 and save it in your defaults.

    If you can reproduce the HE-AACv2 issue with a specific source, please create a debug output and share that with me, so I can check what is causing this to fail.

    Cu Selur
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  4. Member Bernix's Avatar
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    Hi Selur,
    i got it saved for long time on 0,5. Because old TV things. This is just for demonstration purpose how default work. Also that 1920 x 0,75 = 1440 it doesn't work. 1440 is still excluded. Lowering this settings i can do exact 1440x1080, with 0,75 it make just one side somehow. So 1920-240 on left. Not sure how it works. It is actually not so important. Just that cropping 16:9 to 4:3, i think is frequent and some can have problems realize why autocrop doesn't work.
    Lowering it default to 0,7 i think is good idea.

    Thank you and see you!
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  5. Member Bernix's Avatar
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    Hi Selur,
    another stupid question from me. There is frame interpolation in vapoursynth. With presets. Fastest faster fast and medium. Seems to me like medium isn't best possible. Are there some slower or better preset? Yes medium is good enough, just for something to archive if any better presets.
    Speaking about Interframe/SVP.

    Thank you and see you.
    Quote Quote  
  6. No havsfunc.InterFrame only has 'medium', 'fast', 'faster', 'fastest'
    def InterFrame(Input, Preset='Medium', Tuning='Film', NewNum=None, NewDen=1, GPU=False, InputType='2D', OverrideAlgo=None, OverrideArea=None, FrameDouble=False):
        if not isinstance(Input, vs.VideoNode):
            raise vs.Error('InterFrame: This is not a clip')
        # Validate inputs
        Preset = Preset.lower()
        Tuning = Tuning.lower()
        InputType = InputType.upper()
        if Preset not in ['medium', 'fast', 'faster', 'fastest']:
            raise vs.Error(f"InterFrame: '{Preset}' is not a valid preset")
        if Tuning not in ['film', 'smooth', 'animation', 'weak']:
            raise vs.Error(f"InterFrame: '{Tuning}' is not a valid tuning")
        if InputType not in ['2D', 'SBS', 'OU', 'HSBS', 'HOU']:
            raise vs.Error(f"InterFrame: '{InputType}' is not a valid InputType")
        def InterFrameProcess(clip):
            # Create SuperString
            if Preset in ['fast', 'faster', 'fastest']:
                SuperString = '{pel:1,'
                SuperString = '{'
            SuperString += 'gpu:1}' if GPU else 'gpu:0}'
            # Create VectorsString
            if Tuning == 'animation' or Preset == 'fastest':
                VectorsString = '{block:{w:32,'
            elif Preset in ['fast', 'faster'] or not GPU:
                VectorsString = '{block:{w:16,'
                VectorsString = '{block:{w:8,'
            if Tuning == 'animation' or Preset == 'fastest':
                VectorsString += 'overlap:0'
            elif Preset == 'faster' and GPU:
                VectorsString += 'overlap:1'
                VectorsString += 'overlap:2'
            if Tuning == 'animation':
                VectorsString += '},main:{search:{coarse:{type:2,'
            elif Preset == 'faster':
                VectorsString += '},main:{search:{coarse:{'
                VectorsString += '},main:{search:{distance:0,coarse:{'
            if Tuning == 'animation':
                VectorsString += 'distance:-6,satd:false},distance:0,'
            elif Tuning == 'weak':
                VectorsString += 'distance:-1,trymany:true,'
                VectorsString += 'distance:-10,'
            if Tuning == 'animation' or Preset in ['faster', 'fastest']:
                VectorsString += 'bad:{sad:2000}}}}}'
            elif Tuning == 'weak':
                VectorsString += 'bad:{sad:2000}}}},refine:[{thsad:250,search:{distance:-1,satd:true}}]}'
                VectorsString += 'bad:{sad:2000}}}},refine:[{thsad:250}]}'
            # Create SmoothString
            if NewNum is not None:
                SmoothString = '{rate:{num:' + repr(NewNum) + ',den:' + repr(NewDen) + ',abs:true},'
            elif clip.fps_num / clip.fps_den in [15, 25, 30] or FrameDouble:
                SmoothString = '{rate:{num:2,den:1,abs:false},'
                SmoothString = '{rate:{num:60000,den:1001,abs:true},'
            if OverrideAlgo is not None:
                SmoothString += 'algo:' + repr(OverrideAlgo) + ',mask:{cover:80,'
            elif Tuning == 'animation':
                SmoothString += 'algo:2,mask:{'
            elif Tuning == 'smooth':
                SmoothString += 'algo:23,mask:{'
                SmoothString += 'algo:13,mask:{cover:80,'
            if OverrideArea is not None:
                SmoothString += f'area:{OverrideArea}'
            elif Tuning == 'smooth':
                SmoothString += 'area:150'
                SmoothString += 'area:0'
            if Tuning == 'weak':
                SmoothString += ',area_sharp:1.2},scene:{blend:true,mode:0,limits:{blocks:50}}}'
                SmoothString += ',area_sharp:1.2},scene:{blend:true,mode:0}}'
            # Make interpolation vector clip
            Super = clip.svp1.Super(SuperString)
            Vectors = core.svp1.Analyse(Super['clip'], Super['data'], clip, VectorsString)
            # Put it together
            return core.svp2.SmoothFps(clip, Super['clip'], Super['data'], Vectors['clip'], Vectors['data'], SmoothString)
        # Get either 1 or 2 clips depending on InputType
        if InputType == 'SBS':
            FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.std.Crop(right=Input.width // 2))
            SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.std.Crop(left=Input.width // 2))
            return core.std.StackHorizontal([FirstEye, SecondEye])
        elif InputType == 'OU':
            FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.std.Crop(bottom=Input.height // 2))
            SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.std.Crop(top=Input.height // 2))
            return core.std.StackVertical([FirstEye, SecondEye])
        elif InputType == 'HSBS':
            FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.std.Crop(right=Input.width // 2).resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height))
            SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.std.Crop(left=Input.width // 2).resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height))
            return core.std.StackHorizontal([FirstEye.resize.Spline36(Input.width // 2, Input.height), SecondEye.resize.Spline36(Input.width // 2, Input.height)])
        elif InputType == 'HOU':
            FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.std.Crop(bottom=Input.height // 2).resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height))
            SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.std.Crop(top=Input.height // 2).resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height))
            return core.std.StackVertical([FirstEye.resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height // 2), SecondEye.resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height // 2)])
            return InterFrameProcess(Input)

    SVP does allow additional parameters: which might give better results than the presets.

    For example:
    Interframe only uses pel=2 for medium,
    pel: 2,

    The accuracy of the motion estimation. Value can only be 1, 2 or 4. 1 means a precision to the pixel, 2 means a precision to half a pixel, 4 - to quarter pixel (not recommended to use).
    and the SVP devs do not recommend using pel=4, but without testing no clue whether 4 could help. (I suspect it isn't recommend since it probably will not help much, but require a lot more graphic card memory)

    -> So if your find 'better' settings (that in general improve interpolation), I could add other presets using those settings.

    Cu Selur

    Ps.: same is true for Interframe when using Avisynth.
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  7. Member Bernix's Avatar
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    Hi Selur, thank you. Just seeing medium imply me there are slower. So there are but not recommended. Thank you for very detailed answer. No i will not find any, i am not able to do I am using cpu for it btw I think probably problem could be some fragments or hickups when interpolating to 1/4 of pixel probably. Or that memory as you are saying. Thank you and see you! Bernix
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  8. Member
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    last version (2020.12.12.1) won't install on W7 error: can't copy out of memory
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  9. didn't really change anything with the installer,... no clue why you would run out of memory
    Might be a problem with some av-suite or something like that.
    Last edited by Selur; 12th Dec 2020 at 14:17.
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  10. Member
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    i tried disabling my AV didn't work.. ran CCleaner didn't work ran windows's repair didn't work but i could reinstall the previous version 2020.10.11.1
    Quote Quote  
  11. I'll upload a new version tomorrow, hopefully that version can be properly extracted on Win7 again.
    re-packaged and uploaded the version to my site, try if that one works for you
    Last edited by Selur; 12th Dec 2020 at 15:49.
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  12. Just installed 2020.12.12.1 on Win7 without problems.
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  13. Member
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    re-tried it and now works... so i don't know what happened .. so sorry if i've wasted your time
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  14. I've recently started using Hybrid for a few projects. I've been mostly successful on some of the projects, but I simply can't seem to figure out how to successfully encode a DVD. I've selected the DVD option and I "think" I set up everything correctly, but every time I try Hybrid stops at the "creating index" part. It just says "waiting". I don't believe it's crashed, but it's not doing anything.

    I've got to believe it's me and that I've simply overlooked a setting, but I'm not seeing it. I ripped the DVD with DVD Decrypter and pointed Hybrid to the folder it created.

    Any ideas? Thanks!
    Quote Quote  
  15. Would need a proper debug output (see: to know what's happening.
    wild guess:
    a. could be a problem with the created index file
    b. could be Hybrid not detecting the indexing file
    c. could be a problem with the decoding call
    d. could be a some other tool (anti virus, firewall) interfering

    Cu Selur
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
    Quote Quote  
  16. Thanks for getting back to me. Hopefully this is the information you are looking for.

    I am using Hybrid 2020.12.13.1. It's not exactly an error message, but more that the job stops after extracting audio and then "waiting" to create the index file. Nothing happens after that. Here's what is in the jobs tab.

    05 Audio 100% finished extraction audio stream with mplayer
    06 Index waiting creating index

    I selected the DVD input option, navigated to the folder with the Video_ts folder and then Hybrid processed the DVD contents. Once loaded, I selected Avisynth and set up the avisynth settings. Selected my crop settings for resizing and then set up the MP4 settings. I set the output folder for the completed file and started the job.

    I'm attaching the HybridDebugOutput file and a part of the vob file that was saved as an mpg. I used Mpg2Cut2 to cut the vob file. Of course, since this is a DVD, that might not be so helpful.

    Hopefully this is helpful. I also noticed you live near Bonn. I lived in Bonn almost 30 years ago. I enjoyed my time there.

    Image Attached Files
    Quote Quote  
  17. It's a bug with DGIndex and the input parsing of it.
     COMMAND: "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\32bit\avisynthPlugins\DGIndex.exe" -om 0 -ai "L:\Clone_Wars_Vol_One\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB" -o "L:\Encoded Videos\Hybrid\Temp\2021-01-04@16_14_30_1210" -hide -exit
    Missing input: Program Files\Hybrid\32bit\avisynthPlugins\DGIndex.exe
    -> will fix
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  18. Thanks for getting back to me. I uninstalled Hybrid and installed the other version you sent and the same thing happens. I looked in the debug text and the same missing input line is there. I am attaching it to this post.

    Thanks for all of your help!
    Image Attached Files
    Quote Quote  
  19. Damn, thought I fixed it.
    Will look at it after work and report back.
    (As a workaround you can enable: Filtering->Avisynth->Misc - Source->'D2VSource' and 'Use d2vwitch instead of DGIndex')

    Cu Selur
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  20. Member
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    Originally Posted by zeus182 View Post
    I've recently started using Hybrid for a few projects. I've been mostly successful on some of the projects, but I simply can't seem to figure out how to successfully encode a DVD. I've selected the DVD option and I "think" I set up everything correctly, but every time I try Hybrid stops at the "creating index" part. It just says "waiting". I don't believe it's crashed, but it's not doing anything.

    I've got to believe it's me and that I've simply overlooked a setting, but I'm not seeing it. I ripped the DVD with DVD Decrypter and pointed Hybrid to the folder it created.

    Any ideas? Thanks!
    you should rip the dvd with a more up to date
    ripper such as dvdfab or anydvd the dvd may have copy protection
    that isn't supported by DVD Decrypter which hasn't been updated in years.
    Quote Quote  
  21. Viel spass beim Arbeit (said no one ever!).

    Thanks for the workaround. I'm giving it a try right now. Damn. It still won't create the index file. However, it did skip that and move on to generating the Avisynth (avs) file. Then it stopped and is on waiting instead of encoding. I've stopped it for now.

    I'm attaching the updated debug file.

    Again, thanks for your help!
    Image Attached Files
    Quote Quote  
  22. you should rip the dvd with a more up to date
    ripper such as dvdfab or anydvd the dvd may have copy protection
    that isn't supported by DVD Decrypter which hasn't been updated in years.
    Yes, you are correct. DVD Decrypter hasn't been updated in years, but the DVD I'm ripping was released in 2005. Years ago I did purchase a lifetime license for AnyDVD (when it was Slysoft), but then they disappeared and came back as Redfox and I didn't buy a new license. I could have repurchased it and maybe I will now since they are running a special, but I simply don't rip enough DVD/Blurays any more.

    Thanks for the tip though. I think Cu Selur thinks it is a problem with the call to DGIndex.
    Quote Quote  
  23. h265 and mp4 exports don't seem to be working on my installation
    I'm running Mojave 10.14.6
    Quote Quote  
  24. Telling Hybrid to use FFmpeg for MP4 creation (enable Config->Containers->Mp4 Settings->FFmpeg instead of MP4Box) probably helps. (jobs need to be recreated)
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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    Moin, Selur,

    installed Hybrid (2021.7.18.0) on Win 10 (21H1, 19043.1288) for the first time.

    When starting Hybrid an error message pops up:
    [Attachment 61506 - Click to enlarge]

    Klicking OK lets the software disappear, no Hybrid comes up and no debug output possible.

    The latest thread about VCEEnc in your forum seems not to match my problem.

    Quote Quote  
  26. Hybrid calls VCEncC with:
    VCEncC.exe --check-version
    unless that call works on your system VCEncC will not work.

    On my systems, calling the above at least gives:
    VCEEncC.exe --check-features
    Failed to load amfrt64.dll.
    VCE not available.
    Failed to load amfrt64.dll.
    VCE not available.
    On your system the call does not seem to work at all and simply crash.

    This usually happens if there's a problem with the VCEncC version ( and the drivers you use or some anti-virus tool is interferring.
    -> If you want to know hat happens, test what your system does when calling the above call inside your Hybrid/64bit folder.

    You could also tell Hybrid to not ignore VCEncC, by creating a misc.ini with:

    Cu Selur
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  27. Member
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    Calling "VCEEncC.exe --check-version" gives me an error.
    [Attachment 61507 - Click to enlarge]

    Calling "VCEEncC.exe --check-features" gives no output.
    [Attachment 61509 - Click to enlarge]

    Just calling "VCEEncC.exe" shows the following.
    [Attachment 61508 - Click to enlarge]

    I'll have a look at github.

    GPU is an AMD RX570, driver version 21.10.2.

    Thanks for your help.

    Edit: Just tried version VCEEncC_6.16_x64.7z from github, the same error message pops up when I try to start Hybrid.
    I installed dlls and exe in the x64-folder of Hybrid.
    Last edited by mk-will; 30th Oct 2021 at 10:28.
    Quote Quote  
  28. Sorry, I meant
    "VCEEncC.exe --check-features"
    before not version

    Calling "VCEEncC.exe --check-features" gives no output.
    And that is something Hybrid does not expect.

    I'll have a look at github.
    I keep my fingers crossed.

    Cu Selur
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  29. Member
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    No luck.

    Just tried version VCEEncC_6.16_x64.7z from github, the same error message pops up when I try to start Hybrid.
    I installed new dlls and exe in the x64-folder of Hybrid.

    On a second PC, where Hybrid has been installed before and so it was an update, Hybrid starts without problems.
    In the x64-folder of the second PC many "old" files (not used anymore?) have been left.
    Maybe a missing file in the new version?

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  30. Member
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    As the second PC has a Nvidia GPU I tried
    VCEEncC.exe --check-features 0
    on PC1 and get no output.

    When using
    VCEEncC.exe --check-features 1
    on PC1 I get
    Selected device #1 not found
    VCE not available.
    as output.

    So maybe a driver-related issue?

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