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  1. Thanks for the reply, and looking into the lil bug.

    I'll tell you why and when I use mks subs.
    No, you won't come across them in general.
    BUT, if you (de)mux them from mkv directly, they keep any linked attachments, such as fonts.
    That makes it easier to automate an encode, I've found. Just muxing the .ass or .ssa sub
    does not guarantee that the subs will display as they should. In fact, even extracting and
    muxing fonts later on does not guarantee they will display in that font for some reason.

    PS I'm referring specifically to anime encodes and their pretty fonts...

    PPS mks can also encapsulate chapter data and multi-subs in one file, which is useful for passthrough and automation
    Last edited by blud7; 27th May 2013 at 14:59.
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  2. @VideoFanatic: I used the default settings, set Audio&Video to passthrough / passthrough all and ended up with a 1.79GB m2v file and a 106MB ac3 file.
    -> you probably changed some of the default values
    Quote Quote  
  3. I tried with your values and got the following calls:
    for the audio extraction:
    ffmpeg -y -threads 8 -i "H:\Eastern CW May 10 1994.mpg" -vn  -acodec copy  -map_metadata -1 -metadata handler_name="Hybrid 2013.05.27.1" "H:\Output\aid_128_00_22_20_5610_21.ac3"
    then a rename call:
    H:\Output\aid_128_00_22_20_5610_21.ac3 ### H:\Output\Eastern CW May 10 1994.ac3
    the video call:
    ffmpeg -y -i "H:\Eastern CW May 10 1994.mpg" -vcodec copy -an -map_metadata -1 -metadata handler_name="Hybrid 2013.05.27.1" -f mpeg2video "H:\Output\00_22_20_5610_23.m2v"
    and another rename call:
    H:\Output\00_22_20_5610_23.m2v ### H:\Output\Eastern CW May 10 1994.m2v
    Whole thing went fine and I ended up with:
    Eastern CW May 10 1994.ac3 and Eastern CW May 10 1994.m2v

    using flac for the audio I got these calls:
    for the extraction:
    ffmpeg -y -threads 8 -i "H:\Eastern CW May 10 1994.mpg" -vn  -acodec copy  -map_metadata -1 -metadata handler_name="Hybrid 2013.05.27.1" "H:\Temp\aid_128_00_25_38_2610_25.ac3"
    for the audio reencoding:
    ffmpeg -y  -threads 8 -i "H:\Temp\aid_128_00_25_38_2610_25.ac3" -c:a flac -compression_level 5 -sample_fmt s16 -ac 2 -ar 48000 "H:\Output\iId_17_aid_128_00_25_38_261025.flac"
    a cleanUp call which deletes the extracted audio:
    a rename call which renames the audio:
    H:\Output\iId_17_aid_128_00_25_38_261025.flac ### H:\Output\Eastern CW May 10 1994.flac
    a video extration call:
    ffmpeg -y -i "H:\Eastern CW May 10 1994.mpg" -vcodec copy -an -map_metadata -1 -metadata handler_name="Hybrid 2013.05.27.1" -f mpeg2video "H:\Output\00_25_38_2610_29.m2v"
    and a video rename call:
    H:\Output\00_25_38_2610_29.m2v ### H:\Output\Eastern CW May 10 1994_new.m2v
    which too worked fine and gave me:
    Eastern CW May 10 1994.flac
    Eastern CW May 10 1994_new.m2v
    the _new is there because Eastern CW May 10 1994.m2v already existed

    What do your calls look like? (disable "Jobs->Minimize job command lines" to disable)
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  4. This is very strange. It seems to be working now like you said. I've not changed any settings.
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  5. @blu7: fixed the drag&drop thing, if you tell me what OS you use I can send you a test version.
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  6. Playing around with mkv and ass, I realized I got no decent sample, so if someone has a small sample mkv file with the following characteristics:
    a. < 10MB
    b. ass subtitles
    c. attached fonts (multiple) which are used and recognizable and do not by default ship with windows
    -> please attach it or send me a pm with a link.


    Cu Selur
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  7. First, congratulations for software
    I have the actual latest version of Hybrid (2013.05.22) and there is a problem with file avi (xvid) creation. If I mux file audio and video with the software, don't create the xvid but the divx for the setting -ffourccDX50 in the call "creating file avi" into the Job Queue, I think... In this way I can't watch it if my Blu-ray and DVD Players can't play DivX. But if I set "No multiplexing and splitting" in Config-->Output-->Container Settings and mux the encoded file audio and video with another program such as AviDemux or Virtualdub the problem is solved. These are the differences:
    Files muxed with Hybrid:Hybrid.txt
    Files muxed with AviDemux:AviDemux.txt
    Oh, and also if I set Mp3 CBR in Audio the result is VBR with Hybrid. Mux with another software and also this problem is solved...
    Can you solve this problems in the next version?
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  8. a. I'll add an option to to choose between XVID and DX50 as FOURCC.
    b. about the audio: your txt files show 'Bit rate mode : Constant' for both the Hybrid and the AviDemux mulitplex not sure what to do about that.

    Cu Selur
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  9. Originally Posted by Selur View Post
    a. I'll add an option to to choose between XVID and DX50 as FOURCC.
    b. about the audio: your txt files show 'Bit rate mode : Constant' for both the Hybrid and the AviDemux mulitplex not sure what to do about that.

    Cu Selur
    A. Thanks
    B. This is the problem. For MediaInfo is constant but for the DivX Player or some program on PC (VirtualDub for example) Audio is VBR
    This report is created with AVInaptic:By AVInaptic.txt
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  10. okay, will look into it, but not sure if I can change it.
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  11. It's just a reporting for this audio encoding error. In my case mp3 CBR or VBR is the same thing
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  12. Made some changes, please check if the attached file works okay for you?
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  13. Now the XviD video is ok For the Audio files... are both VBR but no problem for this.
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  14. Hmm,.. mediainfo reports constant bitrate and I checked both the calls for ffmpeg and lame. (1st stream encoded with ffmpeg, 2nd with lame as encoder) -> not really sure what to do
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  15. for ffmpeg "-b:a 128k -minrate 128k -maxrate 128k"
    and for lame: "-b 128 --cbr"
    should do the trick seems like it's a bug in ffmpeg when muxing.
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  16. Originally Posted by Selur View Post
    Hmm,.. mediainfo reports constant bitrate and I checked both the calls for ffmpeg and lame. (1st stream encoded with ffmpeg, 2nd with lame as encoder) -> not really sure what to do
    Mmmh..Well, I think that the problem is in muxing step, such as the xvid...
    Quote Quote  
  17. Originally Posted by Selur View Post
    for ffmpeg "-b:a 128k -minrate 128k -maxrate 128k"
    and for lame: "-b 128 --cbr"
    should do the trick seems like it's a bug in ffmpeg when muxing.
    Yes, think so too...
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  18. Does the attached file work better for you? (this time mencoder is used for muxing; Hybrid uses mencoder for muxing if one one audio stream needs to be muxed, since mencoder can't handle multiple audio with delays properly, see:

    Cu Selur
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  19. With many programs there are problems with this file: "invalid avi file: the main movie block is missing", "Could not open the file", "Format Error", etc...
    Blue-ray and DVD Player can't play it and both are blocked... Same for the DivX player...
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  20. That is probably because of the video stream,.... it's one of my test samples and not intended to be hardware compatible with anything. strange, I'll reencode the file seems I broke something somewhere,..
    reencoded the video stream,..
    Last edited by Selur; 31st May 2013 at 15:07.
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  21. Originally Posted by Selur View Post
    That is probably because of the video stream,.... it's one of my test samples and not intended to be hardware compatible with anything. strange, I'll reencode the file seems I broke something somewhere,..
    This is only a video test The important is the next Hybrid's version after all
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  22. Okay, the corruption of the video stream happens if extract the video with ffmpeg and later mux it with ffmpeg, if I extract and mux with mencoder file seems to be okay,..
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  23. In this second test no problem except audio mp3. But the difference with the first is undoubtly the xvid version...
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  24. second file was reencoded so the video stream changed.
    Regarding the muxing, you can try if it helps to update the ffmpeg version (there have been a bunch of updates since the last Hybrid release) ->
    may be with the latest version the headers are fine, if not sadly there isn't a thing I can do,..
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  25. Originally Posted by Selur View Post
    Okay, the corruption of the video stream happens if extract the video with ffmpeg and later mux it with ffmpeg, if I extract and mux with mencoder file seems to be okay,..
    test.avi seems damaged... But maybe is only the resolution 640x2...
    Originally Posted by Selur View Post
    second file was reencoded so the video stream changed.
    Regarding the muxing, you can try if it helps to update the ffmpeg version (there have been a bunch of updates since the last Hybrid release) ->
    may be with the latest version the headers are fine, if not sadly there isn't a thing I can do,..
    I try this later
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  26. Look, I tryed the latest version of ffmpeg but nothing. Anyway the problem was the XviD that was become DivX in the mux step and seems that it can be solved. For Mp3 there's a problem always with the mux but it's really CBR since if you mux with another software there isn't this problem, sooo...
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  27. Thanks for corrections into the new version
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  28. 1 File out of 50 won't Demux

    I did a batch demux of 50 MPEG2s with passthrough video and AC3 to FLAC conversion. One MPEG2 file gave an error message saying it couldn't rename the flac file since it didn't exist. The demux said "Aborted" in the demux window and the queue would not finish demuxing until I OK'd the message. No files were created for the MPEG2 that gave the error message.

    I reported this to you in the past but you couldn't do anything about it as I couldn't replicate the problem as when I processed the file again, it worked. Is there any way for me to give you a log file?

    Here are all the settings I use.
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  29. Log file doesn't help. I need a debug output (see:
    Log file simply doesn't contain useful data for me.

    -> If you can reproduce the problem when trying to remux the video and reencode the audio to flac, create a debug output and post it here or send it to me.
    If you can't reproduce the problem I can't help, sorry.

    Cu Selur
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