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    Feb 2012
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    I got this warning from RTMPdump for the first time from a host I had never used before:
    HandShake:Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answered 9
    Does anyone know how I can fix this?

    This is the command I'm using:
    "C:\rtmpdump\rtmpdump.exe" rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -o C:\rtmpdump\FILE.mp4
    I've removed the domain from the input there as I don't know if I'm allowed to post it.


    Update, I was able to snag it with rtmpexplorer but I still would like to know if there is a fix?

    Is there any instructions from rtmpdump with a list of all the commands and what they do. I just really fluffed the one command I know after searching the internet and trying different things.
    Last edited by Joélle; 17th Feb 2012 at 20:04.
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