is there a way to use the lame MP3 with virtualdub 64bit?
i try to do this:
i try also to do the same using the system32 folder instead of SysWOW64 but i can only use the lame MP3 on the 32bit version of virtualdub1. Extract it to for example c:\lame
2. Run cmd with admin rights (ctrl+shift+return)
3. cd %windir%\SysWOW64
4. rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 0 C:\lame\LameACM.inf
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You need the 64 bit version with a 64 bit program. Get it here: -
It just includes the 32bit version. I haven't seen any 64bit version at
There's no benefit to running 64 bit VirtualDub. You might as well use the 32 bit version because there's far more support in 3rd party filters and codecs.
i tried everything, but only this worked:
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