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  1. I'm new to this forum and somewhat new to ripping DVDs, so any and all help is fully appreciated.

    I've ripped a full screen DVD (Head of State) using WinX DVD Ripper Platinum; see attached file for the configuration settings I used (defaults).

    When I play the original DVD via the DVD player, it displays in full screen on the TV as expected. When I run the ripped version from my PC, it displays in full screen as expected.

    However, when I stream the ripped DVD to my widescreen TV (Sony Bravia, 55 inch) via Windows Media Center, it does NOT display in full screen. Instead it displays from top to bottom in the middle of the screen with black spaces (~4 inches) on both sides.

    What's strange is that I've ripped a dozen or so DVDs and only a few full screen DVDs are experiencing this problem, yet other Full Screen ripped DVDs are working as expected...automatically with no intervention on my end.

    If I go to the settings on the TV (i.e. Display, Options) & change Wide Screen settings from "Full" to "Zoom", then the movie takes up the entire screen.

    Is there a way to rip full screen DVDs to avoid this manual interaction?

    As a newbie, I hope I'm asking all the right questions and providing the right level of information so you more experienced gurus can assist me. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

    Thank you.
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	Head of State - WinX DVD Ripper Platinum settings.JPG
Views:	3007
Size:	143.2 KB
ID:	10616  

    Quote Quote  
  2. Banned
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Search Comp PM
    Title 1, presumably your movie based on the time codes in the picture, is in 4:3. Look where it says "NTSC 4:3". This is why your TV displays it like it does. It is showing it correctly. "Full screen" as you call it is NOT being displayed correctly for this film! So basically you have your DVD player set up to output everything it plays stretched to 16:9. As far as why it looks "full screen" on your PC, I would have to actually be present with you and see not only what you see but your set up. Either your software is just stretching it to 16:9 or you are actually seeing 4:3 on your PC but the image is so big that you do not realize it.
    Quote Quote  
  3. jman98,
    Thank you for your response and education. I fully understand your explanation, but here's where I'm confused.

    I've ripped "Grown Ups" (see attached configuration settings) and as you can see it's set at NTSC 4:3, however, the strange this is that it's displaying on my Sony Widescreen TV in "Full Screen" with NO manual intervention on my end.

    1) Any idea why this is happening?
    2) If the DVD I'm ripping doesn't give me the option to rip it in NTSC 16:9, is there anything I can do to ensure it will run in "Full Screen" after I rip the DVD & stream it to my TV?
    3) As you can imagine, I'm just trying to figure out the best configuration I can use to ensure my movies play Full Screen after ripping them.

    Thanks for helping a newbie...very much appreciated.
    Quote Quote  
  4. opps forgot to upload the file...sorry
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	Grown Ups (NTSC 4-3).JPG
Views:	1213
Size:	145.4 KB
ID:	10628  

    Quote Quote  

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