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  1. Wanted to convert some flv files to avi. Was following one of the guides and ffdshow was to be installed and used in the conversion. Had all the software install and the program running except it was taking forever.

    I stopped the program and decided to do the project latter.

    Latter in the day I captured a program and was going to convert it to DVD. Started the program and several hours later it wasn't even half done.

    I suspected the ffdshow. That was the only change in my computer. So I uninstalled the ffdshow.

    Tried the conversion from avi to DVD again which I have done many times. Usually take a hour to a hour and a half. I just let it run till done. Six a half hours to convert a one hour video.

    Anybody have any ideas what may have happen.

    Help appreciated
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
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    Welcome AaBbCc

    Build 3949 appears to be most bug free ... did you reboot the system after the uninstall ... if not then thats most likely the fault as locked files meant for removal have not been cleared.

    Go into windows/system32 and confirm if is still listed ... if so

    Start > Run
    regsvr32 /u
    a success message should appear
    now delete the file
    and reboot.
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  3. If you didn't reboot the computer: sometimes when a program is terminated it can have it's window closed but still be running in the background. You have to use Task Manager to fully kill the program. Or reboot the computer.

    In the future, you can use Task Manager to lower the priority of a video encoding task if you want to run other programs. If you lower the priority to "low" or "idle" you'll hardly be able to tell the encoder program is running in the background. Some programs have an explicit encoder priority setting.
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  4. Thanks Bjs I went to Windows/system32 and did not find the file. I guess uninstall removed it. Computer seems to be doing better. I probably did not restart. I will try my best not to do that any move.

    Thanks jagabo I was not aware of any of the information you gave me.

    Both of you - Thank you
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