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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Ontario, Canada
    Search PM
    My son has been using his Hauppauge HD PVR to record PS3 gaming through his lap top (Acer Aspire 5742). I was able to get it hooked up and it was working fine for him for several months... but now, for the last few days the image on the lap top is very blurry - and play back is also blurry

    We haven't moved anything around. I do know that he pretty much keeps all of this stuff on day and night and is running a fan on his lap top to keep it from overheating..

    I'm wondering if this is most likely a lap top problem, a cable issue.. or an HD PVR problem. Or if anyone else has had this problem...
    Any and all suggestions are appreciated and welcome!
    Quote Quote  
  2. Unplug everything, reconnect power unit and cables, and see if that helps. From there, I'd try hooking the HD-PVR to another computer to see if the problem is his laptop or the HD-PVR.

    And so on. Troubleshooting entails narrowing down the possibilities. Good luck.
    Pull! Bang! Darn!
    Quote Quote  

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