I've worked with Premiere Pro CS4 for quite some time, definitely not a noob. But I can't seem to get the proper export settings I need for a specific project I'm working on.

Here are some details:

My sequence dimensions are 1920 x 680 (a custom size). After I've worked out my timeline and everything is exactly as I want it, I enter the export settings menu.

Here is a list of all the options:

TV Standard: NTSC
Frame Width: 1920
Frame Height: 680
Frame Rate: 24
Field Order: None (Progressive) *Grayed out
Pixel Aspect Ration: Widescreen 16:9
Profile: Main
Level: 4.2

Bitrate Encoding: VBR, 1 Pass
Target Bitrate: 32
Maximum Bitrate: 40

Set Key Frame Distance: Unchecked

Now, the problem is, when I export it with the 1920 x 680 settings, my video includes a black border on top and bottom, and the video is stretched. Instead of displaying the video with the correct proportion.

I need it to export at the same frame height and width as my sequence. But it always seems to include a black border on top and bottom. I've tried a ton of variations but nothing is working...
