I have a very short movie of a straight freeway road where I'd like to remove some dirt particles and a dead fly on the windshield. It a very steady camera shot, so the dirts doesn't move. The only things that is very complex is the dirts and dead insects are going from sky/trees/mountain/sky/trees.... you know, background exterior movement. I've been trying with AE some tricks with luma matte, I almost got it by making a luma mask that offset the dirt to the pixel above where there's nothing, but still see artifacts and distortions.

The tuts I've seen so far are just for special effects and such but very few for retouching movies, especially those where there's a lot of going on, like mine. Bear with me I have almost only a week of knowledge of how AE works, I can however learn quick because I've been working with Adobe product for more than 10 years (doing photo editing and matte painting).
