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  1. Member
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    Oct 2011
    Portland OR
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    Looks like I found the right forum to ask my question! I have KeepYouTube and it works; I especially liked that you could choose higher definition than some of the videos are at YouTube. I want to save a few and burn a DVD-R to view on my big HDTV. I've run into 3 problems:
    1) Nearly all of the video downloads that on YouTube allowed you to display them full screen if they were higher def, come out as a tiny little screen in the upper left corner of my 21.5" screen and cannot be enlarged.
    2) Some that are 16:9 anamorphic on YouTube come out on my screen as squeezed sideways, and there is no aspect ratio adjustment on my iMac.
    3) The wonderful 3D Giant Bubbles in Golden Gate Park comes out both anamorphically sqeezed AND side-by-said 3D images rather than staggered anagylph as at YouTube (red-green glasses).
    I was locked out at another forum because they said they can't discuss copyright. Seems beside the point; I'm not re-streaming or selling these!
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  2. Member
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    Addendum to my question:

    All the files I downloaded end in .webm What is that? I tried to move them into my Movies folder but they refuse to move. Will they even go to Toast to burn a DVD-R?
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  3. Member bat999's Avatar
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    Last edited by bat999; 7th Oct 2011 at 04:20.
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  4. Member
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    Yes, but information only for PC users, NOT Mac users. They never say in advance so we waste immense efforts and time downloading useless .exe files. Any solution for us Mac users?
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  5. Member olyteddy's Avatar
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    BootCamp, or whatever they call that tool that allows Macs to run useful software?
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  6. Originally Posted by henry33 View Post
    Yes, but information only for PC users, NOT Mac users. They never say in advance so we waste immense efforts and time downloading useless .exe files. Any solution for us Mac users?
    As has been mentioned, bootcamp is an option. Also WINE, being that OS X is Linux based.

    WEBM is a relatively new video encoding format, being pushed by Google IIRC.

    As for OP's problems that aren't phrased in the form of a question: At first glance, I'd guess that you're not downloading the proper format and/or resolution of youtube videos, hence the issues you're seeing. I use JDownloader to do a lot of automated downloading, and it will automatically parse youtube links to enable you to download youtube videos in all the available sizes and formats, including just audio. Might be worth a shot in this instance, and it's free and cross-platform (it's java based).
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