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  1. Member
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    Jun 2010
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    I am trying to rip from AVI's from DVD's. The DVD is encoed at 16:9. Is there any way I can get the 720x480 resolution ? & without cropping it to 4:3 ?
    Last edited by Simmons; 17th Aug 2011 at 17:35.
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  2. Member dragonkeeper's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    United States
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    Easy answer no.
    You will have to crop to get a true 4:3 ratio this is the way it is done in studios.

    You can minimize the crop by cropping black borders from the top and bottom, then re-size the picture changing the height to achieve something that has resolution of 16:10, 16:11 or even 4:3) . I've seen this approached used may times (old kung-fu movies that were air on TV back in the day) the more you extend the height the more elongated the picture looks..
    Murphy's law taught me everything I know.
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