I created a tool similar to
I originally wanted to use the above, but the link was broken so I created my own.
The tool below is a very very basic tool that creates an xml chapters file to be used with MKVs.
Simply type in the length of the video manually, or drag and drop the video onto the GUI for auto-population, then press generate to save the xml file. Chapters created are in 10 minute intervals.
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How about preview, using slider, click and chapter is added to a XML , is it doable ?
I cannot seem to find this sort of tool.
There is a ton of people using HD cameras and just media players + some sort of storage. Creating Mkv's easily substitutes BD as for extra tracks. No need to burn BD anymore like DVD's back then. Troubles with 50p etc. But chapters come handy . I use preview to do this , sort of difficult for some perhaps , example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVAk_0eYOCc&feature=player_embedded
How difficult is it to implement chapter creation with preview? -
A million thanks for this tool.
Please consider a couple of requests:
1) Auto save the Chapters.xml to the source folder of the video being dragged and dropped. So no save as dialog box.
2) Ability to change the default chapters duration from 10 to any valid number.
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