Hello Friends,
I have a Sony BDP-S570 Bluray player connected to TV HDMI input 1 and a HTPC out puting 1080p with a 9400 GT video card DVI/HDMI to input 2.
The HTPC sends broadcast TV 720p or 1080i flawlessly to TV
The Sony Bluray (with precision cinema and deep color) plays Bluerays and upconverts DVD's perfectly.
However when I play DVD rips or uncompressed M2TS files with the HTPC windows media center 7 they lack the detail or color saturation of the Sony BDP-570 Bluray playback by at least 10 to 20 %.
I suspect the upconverting chip in the Sony is superior to either my HTPC or the chip in my 82" Mitsubishi DLP.
I want to buy the Onkyo TX-NR-609 with the Marvell Qdeo chip in hopes that it will give me the upconverting performance of my sony Bluray.
Will the Onkyo Reciever process the signal coming from my HTPC or will it ignore it because it is already 1080p?
Basically I am trying to find a way to get the performance of my Sony Bluray from the same uncompressed files on my HTPC.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.