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  1. In order for this TV to recognize and play videos from a USB stick, there are a few steps to follow:

    1. If there are subtitles, they must be hardcoded in the AVI file:

    mencoder file.avi -sub -o hardsubs.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vbitrate=1200

    2. Now, a few tricks: if the frame rate is not 24, the sound and images will get out of sync; we must also force a xvid tag in the file, otherwise the TV will not recognize it as playable:

    ffmpeg -vcodec copy -r 24 -vtag xvid -i hardsubs.avi recognizable_file.avi

    3. Finally, if the movie has been recorded in 6 channels, for example, it may be necessary to a) rip the sound from the AVI file and save it as stereo mp3, then b) delete the 6 channels track from the original AVI, and finally c) merge the stereo mp3 and the soundless AVI:

    a) ffmpeg -i recognizable_file.avi -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 192 -f mp3 stereo.mp3

    b) ffmpeg -vcodec copy -an -vtag xvid -i recognizable_file.avi soundless.avi

    c) ffmpeg -vcodec copy -ar 22050 -ab 32k -s 320x240 -i stereo.mp3 -i soundless.avi final.avi

    I hope the above will help others to use USB sticks with the Philips LED series 6000 TV or maybe even other similar TVs!

    Best wishes,

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  2. Explorer Case's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Joaquim Brasil View Post
    2. ffmpeg -vcodec copy -r 24 -vtag xvid -i hardsubs.avi recognizable_file.avi
    I don't think the framerate parameter can be set when using -vcodec copy. I think -vcodec copy copies the video stream as-is, including the current framerate.

    Originally Posted by Joaquim Brasil
    3. a) ffmpeg -i recognizable_file.avi -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 192 -f mp3 stereo.mp3
    b) ffmpeg -vcodec copy -an -vtag xvid -i recognizable_file.avi soundless.avi
    c) ffmpeg -vcodec copy -ar 22050 -ab 32k -s 320x240 -i stereo.mp3 -i soundless.avi final.avi
    I think you can do these three steps in one step by copying the video and converting the audio.
    ffmpeg -i recognizable_file.avi -vcodec copy -vtag xvid -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 192k final.avi
    If 22.05 kHz, 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz audio are all accepted, then you don't have to specify the audio sampling rate, as ffmpeg will match the input on that.
    And I think you missed a 'k' in step a: -ab 192k
    Also, you seem to be lowering the audio specs in step c for unknown reasons, as well as setting a lower frame size that will be ignored?
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  3. Thanks for your comments!
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    For Fecks Sake Philips - Every other Model supports AVI - Thats it so - Getting a Panasonic or a cheap ALDI TV
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