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  1. Preparation
    Create 3 different folders named "demuxed", "remuxed" and "reauthored"

    This guide uses the following programs:
    (Subtitle Workshop is optional)

    All, but DVDReMake is freeware. The intention of this guide is to make adding a SRT subtitle to an existing DVD as simple as possible. Good luck!

    Step 1: Demultiplex the audio, video and subtitle streams using PgcDemux

    Click image for larger version

Name:	demux.jpg
Views:	6262
Size:	58.0 KB
ID:	5318

    1. Select the IFO file that contains the movie (most of the time VTS_01_0.ifo)
    2. Select as output folder the folder 'demux'
    3. Select by VOB ID and Domain Titles and select the main movie
    4. Select Demux video streams, audio streams, subtitle streams and celltimes.txt
    5. Press 'Check A/V Delay' to check if the audio/video is delayed. If so, write down how much
    6. Hit 'Process!'

    Step 2: Convert your srt subtitles to sup dvd format using Subtitle Creator
    The hardest part in adding subtitles is probably to get your subtitles in sync with the movie. First of all, it's important to know what the framerate of the video is and how this is compared to the framerate of the subtitles you'd like to add. Also keep in mind that there can be different versions of a movie. If available, subtitles with a matching framerate are the best option. Most DVD's are either PAL (25 fps) or NTSC (29,97). Searching for decent subtitles saves you a lot of trouble!

    (If you're subtitle is in another format than SRT, you can use Subtitle Workshop to convert it)
    Click image for larger version

Name:	editsubs.jpg
Views:	836
Size:	207.0 KB
ID:	5317

    1. Goto File->Open text subtitles and choose the subtitle you'd like to add.
    2. Goto File->Open IFO and choose the .IFO of the main movie. This will select the right color palette and video format.
    3. Do the usual color/font selection and the position adjustment.
    If the subtitle you’d like to add has a different frame rate, you can convert this by going to Synchronize->Convert frame rate.
    4. goto Synchronize->During loading process -> Every line
    5. goto Synchronize->Load original SUP and open the .sup file in the "demuxed" folder. This way you can compare the time to make sure the subtitle is in sync. First compare the first matching line with the last matching line and see if there's any offset in the differences. You're best off if the offset between these is not more than 300 ms. If so, you only need to create a time delay. this can be done by going to Synchronize->Set time delay. If the difference is between 0.3 and 6 seconds, you're best off with creating linkages after each 50-100 matching lines. If the offset is more, you probably need to create a linkage after every 5-10 lines, depending on how much the time difference is.
    6. Goto File -> Save SUP and save the file with a custom name in the "demux" folder

    Step 3: Remultiplex the audio, video and subtitle streams using Muxman
    Click image for larger version

Name:	remux.jpg
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Size:	129.3 KB
ID:	5316

    1. Select the m2v video file from the "demux" folder
    2. Select the ac3 audio file from the "demux" folder. If there were any audio delays, you can put it in here.
    3. Select all the original subs you’d like to keep. If you'd like to keep your menu, put them back in the right order and finish with your own custom sub. You can also replace one with your own of course.
    4. Select File->Import chapter and open the celltimes.txt in the "demux" folder
    5. Select the "remux" folder as your output folder
    (If muxman gives an error just before finishing the remux process, there are probably one or more chapters of only a few seconds at the end of your movie. Just open the celltimes.txt, delete the last line or more, load the celltimes and remux the files again. You can see how long a chapter is by comparing it with the previous number).

    Step 4: Reauthoring the DVD with DVDReMake
    Click image for larger version

Name:	reauthoring1.jpg
Views:	677
Size:	360.1 KB
ID:	5319

    1. Goto File -> Import DVD and select the VIDEO_TS file of the original DVD. When loaded this is ‘Project1’.
    2. Goto File -> Import DVD and select the VIDEO_TS file in the "remux" folder. When loaded this is ‘Project2’.
    3. Goto Window -> Tile for tiling both project windows.
    4. In both windows, unfold the video set that you’d like to edit and select the program chains level.
    5. Now select all the chapters of “project2”, right-click and select copy from the drop-down menu.
    6. Select all the chapters of “project1”, right-click and select paste from the drop-down menu. Most of the time, DVDReMake gives the error: “there were problems performing this operation. Please examine the log for details”, but this is only a warning more or less.
    7. Maximize the “project1” window. We’re still operating at the program chains level. If you added any subtitle tracks, you can add them in the project by right-clicking anywhere in the ‘audio tracks’ window and selecting “add track”. Logically if you changed any tracks, you need to edit them by right-clicking on one of the tracks and change them to the right language.
    8. Go one level below the “Program Chains” level, by unfolding it in the Domain window. Select your movie. Most of the time this is “PGC 1”. Goto the tab “subpicture tracks”. If there are any gray tracks, you need to enable them, by right clicking and selecting 'edit'. Once again, if you edited any other tracks, you need to make sure that this matches the right language. Just make sure this all matches your remux output.
    9. Goto File->Export DVD and save the files in the “Reauthored” folder.

    You’re done
    Last edited by muppetsunited; 27th Jan 2011 at 09:02.
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