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  1. Im trying to make video clips and take stills from the Motorola DCH3416 STB by either capturing or copying the files from the STB. It appears that 64 Bit Vista drivers do not exist, so I set this up on an XP machine. I installed the drivers found here:
    And, now my XP system has added the Motorola and all devices with no complaints.

    When I run CapDVHS it shows that it is capturing and then creates a file that has no file size and cannot be played.

    So, I have a few questions.

    1. The output from the DVR is connected to my firewire on my PC. What is the easiest way to setup this system so I can see what the DVR is playing? Do you usually buy a small TV and put it on top of the STB? I read that the DVR will only output to one connection at a time but without buying a TV or asking for help I wont know.

    2. I dont have a video capture card in the XP machine so is that why I am unable to capture this stream? The threads I have been reading do not list a captue card in the requirements and one person mentioned drop-n-drag so it gets confusing. But I would imagine that if I installed a video capture card that the card would then ask me to select an input and then I could select the Motorola? Yes/No/Maybe?

    Thank you in advance for any help. Im just looking to take 1920x1080 stills and short recorded clips from HD and HD OnDemand. Who knows, there might be a much easier way to accomplish this. Im not interesting in ripping who eps etc etc.
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  2. Member edDV's Avatar
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    The IEEE-1394 port TS feed is usually copy protected for OnDemand. The only channels required to be active over Firewire are the locals*. Your local cable company decides which other channels are recordable or not.

    So first get it working for the live locals, then check the rest of the channels.

    * "Must carry" and PBS only.
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    Originally Posted by NitroVideo
    Do you usually buy a small TV and put it on top of the STB?
    Most people have a computer in their living room, but a small TV would also work.

    Originally Posted by NitroVideo
    I read that the DVR will only output to one connection at a time but without buying a TV or asking for help I wont know.
    The DVR will output to a TV connection and the firewire at the same time.

    Originally Posted by NitroVideo
    But I would imagine that if I installed a video capture card that the card would then ask me to select an input and then I could select the Motorola?
    No. The firewire connection replaces the need for a capture card. If you got a capture card you would be capturing analog with the yellow/white/red composite connection, not the firewire.

    If CapDVHS sees the DVR you have the drivers installed correctly. Try to capture a CBS or NBC local channel like edDV suggested. OnDemand will never work over Firewire. The other stations depend if your cable company restricts recording with the 5c flag.
    Last edited by Vidd; 23rd Jan 2011 at 15:50.
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  4. Member edDV's Avatar
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    Start with PBS because they have long term agreement to carry all PBS subchannels.
    Recommends: - Loans that change lives.
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    What format are the files captured from the 3416? Will the setup allow capture of previously recorded content?
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