This must be a very common editing situation: You make a cut to some footage you've added to your project; then, rather than leaving a sharp break, you want to cross-fade the separated tracks.

But to do this, you must select all events after the cut, so you can move them as a unit. And I can't figure out a realistic way to do this in Vegas.

Someone pointed out that I could hold Ctrl and click each event. Well, sure... But I often have many dozens of events on all tracks (some of which are very short and would require zooming way in to select). It's just not practical to manually select all those events each time I want to make one mid-project cross-fade.

The first time I tried this, I thought, "Okay, I'll just Select All, make everything one big Group, then make the cut—and all the events to the right of the cut will still be a group." But no—as soon as you make the first Split, Vegas cancels the Group. (Doesn't that seem presumptuous? Shouldn't it at least be an option?)

I tried it a different way: I made the cut and left the cursor in the cut (unrippled) area. Then I went to the end of the project, held Shift, and clicked. That would select everything to the right of the cut, wouldn't it? But no—you can't select events in Vegas that way, even though it's a standard Windows practice. Go figure.

Maybe I'm overlooking something simple here? Thanks, Ander