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  1. Member logicom's Avatar
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    I am using Adobe Premiere CS 4.2 with Matrox RT.X2 SD card. I have Sony DSR1800 DVCAM deck
    conected with firewire to PC.
    How I can capture video and all 4 channels of audio from DVCAM tape, using firewire ?
    Is it possible somehow to do it in one pass ?

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  2. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    that deck may have a manual 4 ch. switch you need to turn on. then if there is 4 ch. audio on the tape it will transfer as one file with the video. it's all interleaved into one file at 32khz/12bit.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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  3. Originally Posted by aedipuss View Post
    that deck may have a manual 4 ch. switch you need to turn on. then if there is 4 ch. audio on the tape it will transfer as one file with the video. it's all interleaved into one file at 32khz/12bit.
    I am using adobe premiere CS4 to extract 4 channels but it only takes the first two channels, I have tried the manual button on the dvcam and the audio mapping on the CS4 but still no luck, any more ideas ?
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  4. Member edDV's Avatar
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    I do it 2 channels at a time. Never heard of a way to transfer all 4 in one pass but I'm all ears.
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  5. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    capture as raw DV. Enosoft DV Processor can if you don't have anything that will.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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  6. Thanks, great help, we encode a video (containing 4 language tracks) with 2 channels in stereo, before rendering flick the panning knob so it takes one, then render the other track the same way, and finally encode the video with the remaining 2 tracks and do it all again. It's slow but works to create 4 videos with 4 different language tracks.
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