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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    United States
    Search Comp PM
    Desperately seeking 2 low profile brackets one for the diamond/ati tv Wonder 600 PCIE version and one for the tv wonder 650 PCI version

    checked all the manufacturer sites no luck. Visiontek offers a bracket for 650 PCIE version only (not for the 600 PCIE) but I need the 650 PCI which has the 3.5mm audio that the 650 does not have and I also need one for the 600 PCIE I have checked everywhere and cannot find anything can anyone help? I'm starting to be sorry I Wooted these cards
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    United States
    Search Comp PM
    You could try asking VisionTek if their short brackets will fit your cards. You might get lucky and get a response.

    You could look at ebay. Sometimes people sell unneeded parts that come with an item they have purchased.

    ...or ignore the bracket descriptions. Compare the arrangement of holes on the bracket with the arrangement of the the ports on your cards. Also look how the bracket attaches to the card. I would take a chance on VisionTek's short brackets for TV Wonder 650 models if both things seem like they match your cards, regardless of whether the description for the part says PCI or PCI-E. Manufacturers like to use the same parts on multiple models if they can.
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