I wonder if this is something that can be corrected using either BDEdit or some other tool.

I'm authoring a wedding project in Encore CS4 that consists of a main timeline and a few extras. The project has an intro video that at one point turns into the main menu, using the loop point feature. I have two problems:

- In the main timeline, when I press the 'Top Menu' button on the remote control of the blu-ray player, it goes back to the beginning of the menu, which acts as introduction video, so the viewer would have to go through 40 seconds of that again to be able to go to another video in the disc. I checked over and over that in that timeline, the "Menu remote" item is set to "Main Menu:Loop point:Play button", which I selected using the 'Specify Link' menu option, and in the project properties, the "Title Button" is set to the same property as above, with loop point included.

- In the other four timelines, all accessible from the main menu, when I press the Top Menu button, they do go back to the loop point of the main menu, but instead of selecting the button that I ordered each to select, the same button is always selected, in this case, the button "Scenes", which takes to another motion menu.

I checked over and over each and every property in Encore, I checked the help, and I exhausted every possibility, so my guess is that it's an Encore bug. Is there a way to correct these problems with any free software, once the BD structure is built in a folder in the hard drive?