a bit of warning, the title is a bit misleading for a reason i will explain in a minute:





New H.264/AVC Encoder Available Now from MainConcept Enables Breakthrough Capabilities for 200+ Million NVIDIA Customers
Be sure to take a look at new developments from MainConcept in the field of GPU assisted video transcoding. Offloading video encoding tasks to the GPU can speed up video encoding as well as free up the CPU to perform other tasks. MainConcept is developing solutions based on the two major architectures, CUDA and OpenCL.
MainConcept H.264/AVC Codec Package Takes Advantage of ATI Stream Technology for GPU Acceleration
MainConcept offers GPU based hardware accelerated encoding as well as transcoding solutions for both ATI and Nvidia graphics boards.
silly me, for some unGodly reason, took the above to mean that main concept's products now feature gpu accelerated encoding/transcoding, but as i quickly discovered after downloading the latest version of main concept reference 2.0, clearly i don't understand the english language as well as i thought i did, because gpu accelerated encoding was nowhere to be found.

now many firms license main concept's sdk and use whatever features they choose, among them being pegasys (tmpg) which hasn't released an update to tmpg express capable of gpu accelerated encoding, ulead, which claims that it's new studio app does in fact feature gpu accelerated encoding yet for some reason won't install on my system no matter how many times i download the trial and try to install it and sony (vegas), which doesn't support gpu accelerated encoding just yet.

so i just wanted to make this pubic service announcement, that you can have gpu accelerated encoding using products that rely on main concept's codec, provided that you don't actually expect to use a main concept based product to do gpu accelerated encoding.

now some of you may be wondering: "how does this affect cartman's balls"? the answer is that i don't believe it does, but i will look into it so that i may confirm that suspicion.

thank you, scum again.