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  1. Hi everyone, I am new here and have been searching for an answer to a conversion problem but as yet have not found it. I have tried about 15 different programs to convert from DVD to AVI and all seem to work but none of them will get the 'built in' subtitles on the DVD. These are subtitles that are not part of the normal list (English, French, etc) but are displayed when there is any non English spoken in the film. The two best programs that rip well are FABDvd and Ideal DVD To AVI but neither will capture the in-built subtitles. If I play the DVD's on a DVD player, the subtitle list shows as 'NONE', it's the same in Windows Media Player on my PC, yet the subtitles are there (in the non English parts of the film). The two films I am having trouble with are '2012' and 'A Bridge Too Far'. So far not even the support staff of any of the programs I tried can offer an explanation. Can anyone offer any advice or help?

    Many thanks.
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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Aug 2000
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    I removed you other thread. Please don't crosss post.

    It's usually called forced subtitles. Try google it for some info.
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  3. Many thanks Baldrick. I didn't know how to move the post to the DVD Ripping forum ...
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