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  1. Member
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    I have this desktop and a IDE connection was my main hard drive before it crashed. The desktop also offers connections for a SATA, which is what I have now and when I first load the PC it recognizes the hard drive, however, when I go to reformat the hard drive says not found? The hard drive is also picked up in the RAID section? Is this something I would need drivers for, and/or anything to get it working?

    Thanks so much! Have a great one! God bless!
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  2. Member DB83's Avatar
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    It may help if you were to post the brand/version of your motherboard.

    One the one I use, I have settings in the BIOS under Integrated peripherals to use SATA drives not as RAID.

    1. SATA RAID/AHCI Mode = disabled.
    2. SATA AHCI Mode = disabled
    3. SATA Port0-3 Native Mode = Enabled (setting for Windows XP)
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    I guess that might help a little. This is the mother board DFI LANPARTY NFII ULTRA B! I was looking on the DFI web site and I found drivers for if you want to boot from a SATA connection!

    Thanks so much for helping me! Have a great one! God bless!
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    I guess the drivers ask for a floppy disk and this computer did not even come built with a floppy. Any other options to get the SATA drivers and hard drive to work without using a floppy would be greatly appreciate? I read that a 4GB flash drive works instead, however, I could not figure that out?

    Thanks so much! Have a great one! God bless!
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  5. Member DB83's Avatar
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    The chances are that your bios only has settings to boot from either a floppy disk or a hard disk. So you will need to boot from a floppy to install these drivers. You can use an external floppy drive which works through a USB interface.
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  6. With XP you will need to have a floppy drive to use the F6 during setup to load raid or ahci drivers. If you can set the SATA controller to IDE mode then that will not be needed. Win7 for example can load drivers as needed from usb devices.

    You could buy a USB Floppy bearing in mind that XP will only let you use certain ones for loading drivers. Ones that aren't supported will only partway work and be useless.

    Easiest way go to the local computer store and buy a floppy and cable.
    If I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself.
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  7. Windows Seven Premium Home will sort out all your issues.
    Last edited by RabidDog; 15th May 2010 at 18:59.
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  8. Less than meets the eye. Phlexor's Avatar
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    Another option is to use nLite and slip the drivers into the XP install disc.
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    Another option is to hit it with a really big hammer. But seriously, there are so many possibilities and it could be hardware, or more likely software since it worked prior, I would look to see how much junk is loading at startup and seeing what could be disabled. Failing that, it's a hardware problem, you're in for a major troubleshooting issue.
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  10. Member DB83's Avatar
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    You know, the absolutely easiest solution to this problem is to resell that SATA drive you have and purchase a EIDE Hard Drive, guaranteed (well it should) to work in your system and no need to muck (gee I'm glad that the m if not near the f ) about with drivers and all that.
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