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  1. Member jakewoodblues's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States
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    I think my title says it all.

    I'm new to using TMPGenc Authoring Works 4 and wonder if there's a way to import custom buttons for use on a menu.

    If so, how?
    If not can you suggest a work around?

    "It's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff"
    The 10th Doctor from "Blink"
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    United States
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    There's two ways to do it.

    1) If you're working on a custom menu (not a menu template), then you can just replace the button image with your own.
    In the menu page editor, double-click on the button you wish to change. A Menu Item Editor window will appear and you can just click on the "Browse.." button to select a new image for your button.

    2) You can make your own complete button set and add it to the list of button types for custom menus. This entails that you make a button design for each type of button (play, play all, next page, last page, etc.).
    Once you have your button designs, go to the Start stage and click on the Advanced tools button (located at the bottom right corner). Click on "Menu item tool"-->"Create a button item". You can then type in the button set's name and other info. After that you can assign each button type to an image. Once that's done, the button set will appear in the custom menu layout selection page in the menu wizard.

    Read the help file if you have any questions.
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  3. Create a button in photoshop, save as psd but using 8 bits,I create mine 6x4 300 dpi, looks great, save in one layer, no background (do not flatten). Now while on your menu, double click on the buttom at twa 4, then choose the file you created, that's all. This is an old thread, but may be someone needs the answer while searching the web, hope this helps
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