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  1. hi,
    just got a new computer and am having problems creating a dvd.
    get an avi file, convert to a dvd format using winavi, then burn the image to the dvd with imgburn. I can use vlc to play the dvd from the folder on the hard drive, and I can play the burnt dvd on the computer, but when I go to a dvd player on my tv, it reads disk error.
    book type is set to dvd-rom too.

    it doesn't do it for all movies which is kinda wierd... ;<

    am thinking a codec is missing or something but don't know what to do now...
    have tried formatting the dvd rw (both quick and full) with no difference. have tried dvd +r and same thing.

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  2. are you saying that my AVI file is a PAL format? Is that even possible?
    I am using the same exact process for converting avi files to dvd format and them burning them to dvd. a couple have worked and can be played on my dvd player, and others consistently cannot.
    thanks in advance,
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  3. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Did you choose ntsc format in winavi when you converted to dvd?

    Or try convert with something else like the free dvd flick or avstodvd.
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  4. I will try that tonight.
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  5. Member hech54's Avatar
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    Run one of the VOB files of the DVD through will tell you right away.
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  6. hadn't thought of trying to run it thru gspot...

    is there a codec required to play the dvd on my toshiba dvd player? gspot will tell me what codecs are being used, but how will I know what is needed to make it play on the dvd player? it works fine on my computer so I assume I have the correct codecs installed.

    sorry for the newbie questions, kinda new at all this stuff
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  7. Always Watching guns1inger's Avatar
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    gspot (or mediainfo) will tell you if the file is PAL or NTSC.

    When you open the disc on your PC, what do you see ?
    Read my blog here.
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  8. Member hech54's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by bubbadss View Post
    is there a codec required to play the dvd on my toshiba dvd player?
    There are no "optional" codecs involved in DVD video. You have no codec choices or codec decisions to make.
    You need to make a DVD. If you insist on mentioning codecs you will wear out your welcome and our helpfulness
    VERY quickly.
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  9. Member
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    Is it me or as the conversation focused too much on the codec issue??
    First look at the very simple things that can cause this:
    Could it not be as simple as, the dvd player does not like that brand of media or its just a bad disc???
    What about region limitations on dvd player? If limited then simply run it through DVDShrink (no you're not shrinking the disc) purely to make the file (then the burnt disc) region free. Simply using that app for region free capabilities. Maybe not an issue as you've said that some discs work and some do not. Why the need to set book typing as dvd-rom? Some older players dont recognize the book type of the disc.

    These are just my initial thoughts here. But there are some seriously knowledgeable guys on here and i'm sure they'll help you out. Good luck.
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