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  1. I am often using tsMuxeR 1.10.6 to convert mkv files that have subtitles embedded to Blu-ray format and burn the result to a BR-disc. All discs thta I have burned so far have played without problem on my Panasonic DMP-BD35. (sometimes I have to also use uncropMKV 1.5 first to get the right aspect ratio)

    I have never paid much attention to the fact that there are subtitles in the files because I didn't need them anyway. However now I have a file in a non-English language where I would definitely need the English subs. Like I said the subtitles are already embedded in the mkv. When I add the file to tsMuxeR I see all of its content: H.264 (videotrack), DTS (audiotrack), 2 SRT (subtitle tracks)

    I have tried building a Blu-ray disc structure and alternatively an AVCHD disk. Both play in my Panasonic BD35 just fine. Only the subtitles are missing...

    When I play the disk in PowerDVD on my PC I get sound and subtitles but strangely no picture (just a green screen). So apparently the subtitles are there on the BR-disc but can not be found by my BD35.

    Is there maybe a special setting or way to convert the subtitles into a format that my BD35 understands?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Tried multiavchd?
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  3. Thanks for the suggestion! I've given it a try but, quite frankly, I'm a bit overwhelmed by its features

    Every time I try to do something similar to tsMuxeR I end up reencoding the video file (which is not my goal). When tsMuxeR does the conversion from mkv to Blu-ray in 2 minutes multiAVCHD estimates something like 90 minutes...

    Could you maybe help me out and explain what settings I need to use if I just want to mimic tsMuxeR's behaviour in multiAVCHD while keeping the subtitles?
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    Might try using external subtitles. If your working with a MKV you could use MKVCleaver to extract the subs. If the subs are srt than if their titled the same as the file and in the same folder they should play. If the original source was a BD than the subs are probably PGS/sup. In that case BDsup2Sub can convert them to idx/sub. Those should play in most players.
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  5. @cal_tony: thanks for the advice! However I think that your suggestions are geared more towards using the .srt when playing the file on the PC. This works without any problem on my system!

    I am trying to burn a Blu-ray which has the same subs as the original mkv - extracting the .srt won't help as it still is only an .srt file...
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    I am having a similar problem too as well as not getting any sound from mines. I am using it to play via my PS3. It also does not play sound or the subs too on the PC.

    Heres my log :

    SmartLabs tsMuxeR.  Version 1.10.6
    Decoding H264 stream (track 1): Profile: High@4.1  Resolution: 720:400p  Frame rate: 23.976
    Change H264 level from 4.1 to 5.1
    H.264 stream does not contain fps field. Muxing fps=23.976
    H264 bitstream changed: insert nal unit delimiters
    H264 bitstream changed: insert pict timing and buffering period SEI units
    Decoding AAC stream (track 2): Sample Rate: 48KHz  Channels: 2
    Decoding AAC stream (track 3): Sample Rate: 48KHz  Channels: 2
    Decoding PGS stream (track 4):  Resolution: 720:480  Frame rate: 23.976
    H264 bitstream changed: insert SPS/PPS units
    Processed 188592 video frames
    Mux successful complete.
    Muxing time: 2 min 19 sec
    Last edited by Deaf Raiders; 16th Mar 2010 at 16:45.
    Profoundly deaf.
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  7. If multiAVCHD transcodes your file it means that it is not compliant (resolution or codec or something else). You can always untick [-] Auto transcode non compliant titles in SETTINGS tab.

    @Deaf Raiders: You can't have AAC audio in AVCHD/Blu-ray structure and you can't have subtitles in simple FILE-playback mode in PS3. Also level 4.1 is the highest available for PS3 - I can't see the reason to change it to 5.1. ALSO 720x400 is not compliant resolution - it should be 720x480 for 23.976. I believe multiAVCHD would be able to fix all this for you.

    Laugh and the world will laugh with you. Cry and you will be alone
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    using MultiAVCHD i get this error:

    [15:37:40] Decoding AAC to PCM audio...
    [15:42:57] Track has 6 channels.
    [15:42:57] Track has 2 channels.
    [15:42:57] Encoding PCM to AC3 audio... (4530745344 b)
    [15:43:58] Retrying...
    [15:45:03] Audio conversion failed! (eac3to)
    [15:45:03] Extracting A_AAC audio (mplayer)...
    [15:45:03] Parsing audio to avisynth...
    [15:45:06] Encoding...
    [15:45:07] eac3to didn't succeed...
    [15:45:07] Retrying... (mencoder)
    [15:54:18] Added audio: A_AC3, "c:\multiavchd\_temp\multitemp-20100319\the hurt locker 2008 brrip [release-lounge h264]_new.mkv.ac3", lang=und
    [15:54:18] Detected audio: ID#3:A_AAC (48000Hz 16bit 2ch) Language: und
    [15:54:18] Attempting to convert A_AAC audio track #3...
    [15:54:18] Demuxing AAC audio...
    [15:55:54] Decoding AAC to PCM audio...
    Profoundly deaf.
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  9. You get errors but it succeeds in one of the attempts.
    Laugh and the world will laugh with you. Cry and you will be alone
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  10. @multiAVCHD: Thanks, that option was already unchecked! But your answer inspired me to look for other options and I found the culprit in media -> properties -> transcode -> do not transcode

    It worked quickly this time (10mins for 13GB) and I will burn it to a Blu-ray now to test it in the BR-player!

    One strange thing: I got a BDMV, CERTIFICATE and an AVCHD folder. So effectively I got the movie in two copies, the only difference being that the AVCHD mvoie is split in 4GB segments. I'm sure that I can change a setting to just get the BDMV and CERTIFICATE folders?
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    Can't get the subtitles to work with MultiAVCHD.

    Can you assist me? I have as SRT.
    Profoundly deaf.
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  12. @Deaf Raiders: Well for me the working solution has been to transcode the file: media -> properties -> transcode -> Blu-ray/AVCHD compliant (in lower right corner of the screen)

    I've also hard-encoded the subs (setting on the same "transcode" screen in the lower left corner).

    Now my Blu-ray has the hard-encoded subs and additionally the normal subs work also! I guess I could have left the setting at "do not hard-encode subtitles" and the normal ones would have worked anyway. The problem was that obviously the video + subs were not originally Blu-ray compliant, as multiAVCHD correctly pointed out in his post above (first answer to our problems).

    Hope it works for you too!
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    I can't seem to get a preview in the transcode. I often gets an error see below:

    On Windows 7 Pro 64bit.

    The video file is in m4v format. can't also preview the subtitles.
    Profoundly deaf.
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  14. I also use Win7 64Bit (Ultimate) but unfortunately I don't know enough about multiAVCHD to help you out there. I've just started using it myself. Maybe the author can answer this question? Sorry that I can't be of any more help!
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  15. Such errors appear when no suitable decoder is found. Make sure you have haali and ffdshow from the links @ my forum / download thread.
    Laugh and the world will laugh with you. Cry and you will be alone
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