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  1. Hi,
    I'm trying to get my bd ripped .m2ts that has .dts to play on my ps3 and KEEP the DTS.
    If I have a .mkv file with the same streams and run it thru 'mkv2vob' it will patch the dts and make a mpg that plays fine on the ps3 with dts intact. But it doesn't patch it if you run the m2ts thru it.

    So I 'tsmuxer'd the .m2ts and demuxed to elementary streams (.dts and .264) which I ran thru 'mkvmergegui' to make a .mkv file. (mkvmergegui doesn't accept .m2ts as input).
    Then, I ran the new .mkv thru 'mkv2vob' and it patched the dts and gave me the expected mpg, which I burned to a dvdr.

    720p picture great as expected and sound in fact shows DTS and sounds like it, BUT it's about 2 sec out of sync.
    I think it might be during the mkv muxing with mkvmergegui. when adding the .264 and .dts it gave me a message that it couldn't read the fps and told me to enter it manually in the 'format specific options' area. I double checked the .264 file in tsmuxer which shows the frame rate as 23.976 which is what I entered.

    close, but no cigar.
    any ideas?

    Last edited by jayjay139; 12th Mar 2010 at 14:04.
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