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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Central NJ
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    Hello here, however this is the future for the web....good place to be.

    Can ANYONE answer this for me please: I have a video online:

    Now on I have tried to insert the above video and it looks terrible. BUT on I have another video in the exact same spot...but this one looks great.

    I don't understand what I am being asked to do in order to avoid the bars that YouTube automatically inserts into the second video. I have downloaded a 16x9 video into a folder that was processed by some basic Sony software on my computer. The format is wmv.

    The aspect ratio is 16X9. I think I may need to resize it. Does any one have a better idea because I do not have software to do this.

    The help section in YouTube says you must maintain the native aspect ratio in order to avoid the ugly letterbox. THIS IS WHERE I NEED HELP. How do you upload at the original aspect ratio that they are asking for? When I try to upload to Youtube I just click on the wmv file in the folder and the upload starts... IS THIS A RESIZING ISSUE THAT I NEED TO HIRE SOMEONE FOR?

    What is the way I can get this video to look like the one on my index page?
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  2. None of the links work for me. Do they work for anyone else?
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  3. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Central NJ
    Search Comp PM
    Maybe because I didn't put the http before it? But if you highlight and copy the addresses, they work. Thanks.
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  4. That did it. Thanks. I don't understand what the problem is. When the box showing the video is a different shape than the video itself, black bars have to be added to keep the aspect ratio. For example, that first YouTube one fills the screen at the default 360p because the box is shaped the same as the video - 1.78:1. But if you hit the 480p button, you notice black bars on the sides. That's because the 480p box is shaped as 2:1, wider than 1.78:1. Actually, the second time I played it even the 360p version had bars on the sides because the box is wider than the video. For the second video there are black bars added (unevenly, for some reason) because the box is 1.33:1 while the video is 1.78:1. As for the third link, I'm not quite sure what's going on there. Either it's at slightly the wrong aspect ratio or the video isn't 1.78:1, but more like 1.5:1 It's probably both. I suspect you (or someone else) uploaded an unresized 1.5:1 video, probably sourced from MPEG or DV AVI, so small black bars are added to fill out the 1.33:1 video box. That would make the guy slightly 'fat' because he's playing at the wrong aspect ratio. Better would have been to have resized it to some 1.33:1 ratio such as 640x480 before uploading.
    Last edited by manono; 6th Mar 2010 at 12:51.
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