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  1. I have a project to make spoken audio files from texts/ pages that I read - that part is easy.

    I want to read text and sync it to subtitles created from that text.

    Then I want to put the subtitles as the main content of otherwise blank video files, so that the text can be viewed and the voice heard on mp4 players - ie large scrolling text.

    For this project I need to read the project at a slow speed so that people learning English have time to read and listen and catch the meaning.

    I know how to do most of these steps, record audio, create and burn subtitles. But I am not sure how to approach the voice to text sync for the subtitles. Is this where teleprompt software is needed ?

    Also, is there a simple way to create subtitles onto a full sized blank video?

    Any help appreciated.
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  2. Progress so far.

    I tried a number of methods, each works, but not easily.

    1 - Paste the text to be read into notepad.

    2 -Insert line breaks (enter) to create short lines of text.

    3- Open a subtitle program and create a new subtitle, insert the text.

    4 - Open another subtitle in program that will allow time (duration) to be changed to match the the time needed for the audio.

    5- Open VirtualDub, insert a blank video (previously made from a blank image), adjust the frame rate to give the time needed, insert the subtitles using the Textsub filter. Using the filter, adjust the position and size of the subtitles.

    6 - Save the file as an AVI (resize and compress if required).

    7 - Import the video file into an audio dubbing programs such as DubIt, read in the audio.

    Whew !

    An alternative approach is

    1 - Import the prepared text into Powerpoint or OpenOffice Impress,

    2 - Arrange the layout as required and then export the file to an image format (producing a series of images) for importing into VirtualDub.
    Powerpoint will export directly to images. Open office can produce a pdf with uncompressed images (each image is a page). The pdf can be extracted to images using Irfanview.

    Both approaches have their merits and difficulties.

    Questions that still need answering

    1- is there a way to batch this process, assuming that a text file with appropriate line breaks has already been prepared.

    2 - What is the best free program for the audio dubbing /voice over stage
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