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  1. rdhar I had the same problem and have been looking into it for a while. Panasonic and I think JVC store GPS and a ton of other information inside the MPL files. I was successfully able to extract the GPS location from the MPL files using a hex editor. I am using a Panasonic DMC-TS3. See my posts here:

    I also found a really nice page on the mpl format (in the above post). I have decoded about 2/3rds of the mpl file in the hex editor but some is remaining and I am not getting time to work on this much so if HD65 can help here that would be great. But should be able to make a program to do this once I am done. Will keep you posted.

    Also send me some samples of your MPL files if you want. It offen helps to tell what the bytes mean in the hex editor by comparing a couple of different sources.

    Will keep sharing the info I find.
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  2. I posted version 0.8. Had it available for some time - figured it's time to release.

    For those of you who have been using GUI wrappers - don't bother switching to v0.8.

    If however you have been using my scripts to add addresses via Google Maps based on GPS data in the video - you'll want this newer version. Google introduced constraints on address downloads, which made it skip adding addresses every now and then. The new scripts will wait for the time-outs, hence have complete srt files again.

    Available via the download section of
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  3. Originally Posted by HD65 View Post
    I posted version 0.8. Had it available for some time - figured it's time to release.

    For those of you who have been using GUI wrappers - don't bother switching to v0.8.

    If however you have been using my scripts to add addresses via Google Maps based on GPS data in the video - you'll want this newer version. Google introduced constraints on address downloads, which made it skip adding addresses every now and then. The new scripts will wait for the time-outs, hence have complete srt files again.

    Available via the download section of
    Hi, Thank you very much for your avchd2srt software.
    I wonder how can I customize the format of the .srt file to be different than how it defined.
    For example,
    Showing the date Wednesday, 16 Oct 2013
    but without GEO and seconds.
    Additionally, omit the "-05:00" sign, that I'm not sure whether it is connected to the location or not, but I would like to know how to hide it either.

    I guess I have to edit the .c file and recompile it but what to change exactly?

    Again, thank you.
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  4. Member
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    Originally Posted by HD65 View Post
    I posted version 0.8.
    Hi Henry,

    Thanks very much for this excellent tool.

    Attached some small modifications to the Windows script you may want to consider for your next version. Mainly related to fixing errors with space-delimited path/file names, as well as using setlocal/endlocal to prevent internal environment variables overwriting existing ones of the same names.

    Image Attached Files
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  5. Thank you very much for your excellent tool. I've been looking around everywhere how to extract the timestamps and save them into a subtitle file.
    So glad I found your tool!

    Unfortunately there is a glitch with my camcorder (Panasonic HC-X929EG-K). avchd2srt detects a framerate of 100 fps but the camcorder writes 50fps. Therefore, the subtitles run too fast. I took a look at the program but wasn't able to compile it (many "deprecated" warnings and some undeclared constants). So I ended up writing a wrapper perl script which does various things:
    - calls the avchd2srt-core program, and post-processes the SRT output
    - corrects frame rate for the camcorder Panasonic HC-X929EG-K
    - translates date/time to German names and format

    The last thing is just "nice to have". I implemented it because I my viewers prefer a less technical output.
    Besides I saw here in the forum that there are others interested in different output formats.

    If anyone is interested in the script, feel free to use it and/or modify it:

    If you find bugs or make any relevant changes I'd appreciate feedback.

    Thanks again,
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  6. I'd like to extract the subtitles of a bunch of .mts files. But the times run too fast.
    When I use sublib1 I can change the Camera Type and the speed is correct. Unfortunately the batch tool doesn't work there for me.

    Is it possible to change the camera type with avchd2srt?

    Thank you!
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  7. Member
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    Thanks for your great application. Is it also applicable of working with RIFF AVI fles?
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  8. Not sure this is the proper forum.
    Sony PMB software could display in ~2010 the location of m2ts video streams (with GPS tag) on the globe.
    Google stopped providing the service free of charge therefore Sony discontinued this function.
    My streams were located all over the globe and I was annoyed that the locating function of PMB disappeared.
    Many softwares can locate photos and videos on the globe/maps but I have not found a single one working with m2ts files.
    Here is my way to work around this problem (I can give more details):
    - generate GPS files with "exiftool\exiftool(-k).exe -n -m -p $gpsposition -w txt"
    - create xlsx file with GPS data of each stream (one row per stream). A macro is available on web for this purpose.
    - some formatting of xlsx file and adding a column with stream file names
    - generate kml file with web service
    - opening of kml file on google earth to display the location of each stream
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  9. Thank you, all contributions are welcome. If you could post the workflow in more detail I think that would be helpful to others.

    For myself, I am interested in extracting the date/time and GPS location metadata to be used for subtitling. I used to add subtitles to DVDs of my videos, but DVDs seem like ancient history, so now I just want a HD video file with associated subtitles that can be toggled off and on while viewing.

    Originally Posted by PIERRENANTES View Post
    Not sure this is the proper forum.
    Sony PMB software could display in ~2010 the location of m2ts video streams (with GPS tag) on the globe.
    Google stopped providing the service free of charge therefore Sony discontinued this function.
    My streams were located all over the globe and I was annoyed that the locating function of PMB disappeared.
    Many softwares can locate photos and videos on the globe/maps but I have not found a single one working with m2ts files.
    Here is my way to work around this problem (I can give more details):
    - generate GPS files with "exiftool\exiftool(-k).exe -n -m -p $gpsposition -w txt"
    - create xlsx file with GPS data of each stream (one row per stream). A macro is available on web for this purpose.
    - some formatting of xlsx file and adding a column with stream file names
    - generate kml file with web service
    - opening of kml file on google earth to display the location of each stream
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  10. Since I am not a computer programmer and I am doing the process only once, I have not tried to write an executable to perform all the following steps at once.
    - Exiftool (to generate txt files with GPS position of each video clip) :
    download exiftool from . No installation is required.
    create a shortcut on your desktop : {PATH of exiftool}\exiftool(-k).exe -n -m -p $gpsposition -w txt
    move the directory containing your video clips over the shortcut you have created above. This will create GPS text files in the directory containing the video files. Repeat on each directory containing your videos.
    move all your GPS text files under a single directory, for instance C:\Temp\Test (otherwise you have to modify the macro hereunder accordingly). In this step, you can delete the empty text file containing no GPS data. (in file explorer, classify the files by size so you can easily delete the empty files which are smaller)
    - xlsm macro to generate xlsx file with GPS data:
    copy/paste the excel macro at bottom of following page
    into the excel macro page (alt F11 to open macro)
    run the macro to generate an excel file with the GPS data (one line per video clip)
    - in excel, select the column of GPS data and separate longitude and latitude in two columns with data fix width conversion
    in a third column, copy the names of the files in C:\Temp\Test . You can run in a cmd windows “ tree /f /a >list.txt “ and copy/paste the list of files in the third column.
    add the titles of the columns at the top : longitude latitude name
    - generate kml file with web service
    you can find other web services with positive and negative points. You even have “KMLCSV Converter” to convert locally your data.
    - Having google earth installed on your computer, you can double click on the kml file to view the location of your video clips. Or better, open google earth first and open the kml file from google earth, so the globe is centered in the window.
    - One step remains to be developed : how to open the video clip by clicking on a link in google earth
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  11. last step done:
    I now have links for my ~10 000 video clips over the 5 continents. I just have to click on the link on google earth to open the video clip (I didn't find softwares to do that with m2ts files).
    I had to use KMLCSV converter (kmlcsv.exe which can be downloaded from ) to generate kml file.
    I had to install java under same directory as KMLCSV.
    Then, some text treatment to get the proper kml file.
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