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  1. Hi, I hope it's okay to ask this here. I thought you people would be the most knowledgable on the subject.

    I bought this product

    but I am disappointed with the quality of the video on the tv.

    The "reds" in particular seem to be a bit much, I put the tint on "cool" but that didn't help very much.

    My question is if I return it for this one:

    Will the picture quality be substantially improved? If I trust the reviewer of the other one it won't be, but the quality is pants compared to RGB sky picture and compared to how it looks on my computer monitor.

    Also, is there something I could do to help make the tv-out look as good as possible? For example, I have Sony Vegas Pro, what if I ran the video through that to produce a top-quality PAL signal? However keep in mind that it still has to play on the creative-zen (the tv out resolution is higher than the crappy 320x200 one on the player itself though, the resolution output is not the main issue).
    Last edited by divxmpegjpeg; 5th Feb 2010 at 12:28.
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