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  1. I know this sounds like a basic question but I cannot find the answer. I am just starting to use Avidemux to cut out scenes from FLVs and save the edited file in copy mode.

    When i select a scene for deletion with the A-B buttons, using only I-frames, is Avidemux deleting the entire A-B sequence INCLUDING the frame that is marked B? Or is it deleting only up to the frame BEFORE B? And is it deleting frame A or only the frame AFTER A?

    So if I want to delete a scene, do I mark the scene itself or the frames immediately before and after the scene?

    Also, if I want to delete a single I-frame, is there a way to do this? Do I mark the single frame with both A and B and then delete?

    Thanks so much for any help. I spent half hour searching this on Google and got contradictory info, and searched on this forum but did not find the answer.
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  2. Frames A to B-1 are cut. To remove a single frame set A to that frame, B to the next frame.

    It took you longer to write your question that it would to simply test it yourself.
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  3. Originally Posted by jagabo
    Frames A to B-1 are cut. To remove a single frame set A to that frame, B to the next frame.

    It took you longer to write your question that it would to simply test it yourself.
    I can never remember precisely what I cut and the cuts don't seem to be immediately visible, that's why I haven't tested it myself.

    I don't understand what you mean by a "B-1" frame. All I know about right now are the "A" and "B" buttons to mark a scene. What is "B-1"?

    Please remember I'm a newbie.

    Also, I am only cutting on I-frames. If by "B-1" you are referring to other kinds of frames, please understand that I only wish to deal with I-frames.

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  4. Originally Posted by gumbygum
    What is "B-1"?
    The frame before 'B'.
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  5. eg: A=10, B=20, cut ---> Frames 10 through 19 are removed from the source.
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  6. Thanks for explaining "B-1" (I didn't realize it meant "B minus 1").

    May I ask one more question: If all I want to do is open a FLV file, delete some scenes, and then save it as a new FLV without re-encoding, is this the correct procedure?

    I set Avidemux in Copy mode for video and audio. I set format to FLV. I open a FLV movie, start advancing the frames with the "next intra frame" button. When I reach a scene I don't want, I mark the beginning with the "A" button and advance the film with the "next intra frame" button to the end of the scene I don't want, and then advance one more intra frame to the beginning of the next scene that I DO want to keep, mark that frame with the "B" button, then delete. I do this process repeatedly to cut out other scenes that I don't want until I've reached the end of the movie, then save the video under a new name.

    Am I doing this correctly? When I delete like this, am I deleting entire GOPs, thus eliminating any need for re-encoding? If this is not the correct procedure, how should I do it?

    Thanks again.
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  7. Yes, you are doing it right.
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  8. Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    Frames A to B-1 are cut. To remove a single frame set A to that frame, B to the next frame.

    It took you longer to write your question that it would to simply test it yourself.
    I found this thread through a Google search around 5 years ago, and again today searching a slightly different question. I lurk here for info now and then, and since you're still active here 14 years later, I just wanted to let you know your reply still pops into my head from time to time when I'm making a cut in Avidemux.

    Sometimes it's really difficult to tell whether that frame was included, e.g. when saving a selection, or at the end of a video, and there are a couple exceptions to the behavior so it was a super reasonable question. Your answer was a very memorable example of the kind of reply everybody hates to see on forums (e.g. "why don't you Google it?") - and as usually happens with that kind of post, it now shows up at the very top of the Google results. At least you did contribute something else to the thread.

    It's not often a forum post is so obnoxiously persistent in my memory, but the fact that this thread still appears so prominently in search results put me over the edge and I had to say something. Here's hoping you've grown since then Cheers.
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    For goodness sake... 14 years ago?
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  10. Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    For goodness sake... 14 years ago?
    Yes. As you probably know, discussion forums are indexed by Google, and that includes this forum. The threads then show up in search results. When a post was made doesn't make a difference; if a thread is highlighted in search results today, it's relevant today.

    That's terrific for you if you haven't many times searched for an answer only for the top result to be answered only by some very helpful individual whose contribution is "just Google it!!!1" It happens quite a lot. It's particularly obnoxious when the question isn't answered or when it ends up being one of the only relevant search results.

    The person I responded to is still active here, and I wanted to let them know how much that kind of response sucks and that there are still a lot of eyes on it. Whether it's 2010, 2024, or 2038, "durrr, figure it out yourself" is a stupid response. I'm sorry you are offended by the date.
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    So what? What can be done about it now? If you are going to forever hold Jagabo to that one statement then you have a major problem. Get over it. Did you not even consider his later helpful responses? Do you have any idea how much he has helped hundreds, if not thousands of people with their video problems?

    You are the epitome of what is wrong with the current generation; dredge up something somebody said decades ago and hold it against them forever. Shame on you.

    And Jagabo NEVER said "just Google it".
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  12. Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    You are the epitome of what is wrong with the current generation; dredge up something somebody said decades ago and hold it against them forever. Shame on you.
    All I can say is your reading comprehension appears poor. I explained myself thoroughly but somehow none of my valid points made their way into your head. I'm quite sure you don't know what my generation is (?!), but all kinds of people come in all ages. It's not kind or productive to invent personalities for people out of thin air and pile judgements on them.

    I don't know or care how old you are, but we can infer that you are the epitome of what's wrong with your generation, missing the point intentionally so you can argue with people. Thank you but I'm not interested, I'm sorry you are so offended by everything I say but I think we've got the message now.
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  13. Member
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    It's not kind or productive to invent personalities for people out of thin air and pile judgements on them.
    You can say that again! Precisely what you have done with Jagabo.

    How about this:

    @Jagabo, FYI, a lot of Google searches are coming up with your post #2 above, not painting you in a very nice light. You may like to edit your post.
    But no, based on one single post of 14 years ago, you spent time to register on VH and then conduct a character assassination on one of VH's most helpful members. Shame on you.
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