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Poll: Have you made the switch to Blu-ray/HD?

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  1. Member Xylob the Destroyer's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by rumplestiltskin
    Filmmakers understand that part of the illusion is -not- seeing every pimple on the butt of my favorite actress.
    Interesting choice of words there....
    Like I said earlier, a lot of what is coming out on BR simply isn't 'worthy' of High Def - I was quite shocked when I saw that many of the larger 'adult' studios were putting stuff out on BR now. There are somethings that you just don't want to see in HD!
    "To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research." - Steven Wright
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  2. Renegade gll99's Avatar
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    Moving to HD could mean a few things, I'm on the very slow switchover route.

    Have so far:

    A 160gb PS3. (For standalone BD play)

    A BD/DVD/CD Lite-on Reader (only reads) (new and not hooked up to my pc yet)

    Blu-ray movies, 6 ST TOS movies + bonus disc pack, 4 ST TNG movies + bonus disc pack and 5 other movie titles bought on sale

    A 24" monitor that will do 1080p (too small to tell the difference DVD vs BD)

    Have not:

    A HDTV. It's not from lack of looking but no sale yet. Eventually we will need 3 or 4 of those.

    A HD cable box. At $300 for a simple box I just missed a 1/2 price sale so have to wait. No other option here since I don't want to rent it and we must use company equipment. OTA is unavailable. Even with a box only a few news and sports are free with my service. It would cost more to buy HD movie and tv bundles.

    BD Writer. Likely won't buy one unless price drops drastically. It's just not competitive and I have no source HD video material to write. BD might be useful for data storage but at $8 per 25gb BD and $16 per 25gb BDE pretax, it's not cost effective right now and there is no guarantee of reliability for long term storage.

    I always knew the conversion to hd would take a while. We really need to buy our first HDTV set and that will probably accelerate our decision on the cable box and service.
    There's not much to do but then I can't do much anyway.
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    Originally Posted by Xylob the Destroyer
    Originally Posted by rumplestiltskin
    Filmmakers understand that part of the illusion is -not- seeing every pimple on the butt of my favorite actress.
    Interesting choice of words there....
    Like I said earlier, a lot of what is coming out on BR simply isn't 'worthy' of High Def - I was quite shocked when I saw that many of the larger 'adult' studios were putting stuff out on BR now. There are somethings that you just don't want to see in HD!
    Again, the only reason BluRay exists is to provide a method to DRM content. Think of what the adult video providers are facing with digital downloads and it's easy to understand that they, even more than Hollywood, are driving the push to BluRay. (Insert the wise-ass remark of your choice about whores here.)
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  4. Mod Neophyte Super Moderator redwudz's Avatar
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    I'd agree the BD format is extremely flawed, thanks mostly to Hollyweird. But HD looks very good on my 12' HD projector screen and DVD seems a bit fuzzy in comparison.

    I think the HD 'war' has a ways to go.

    I'd like to see a economical HD format without all the DRM crap. The Chinese were working on one. I hope they succeed. JMO.
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  5. Anonymous8443434
    Last edited by Anonymous8443434; 26th Jul 2013 at 08:48.
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  6. Anonymous8443434
    Last edited by Anonymous8443434; 26th Jul 2013 at 08:48.
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  7. Going Mad TheFamilyMan's Avatar
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    Jumped into HD with a Samsung 40" 120htz LCD and a panny BD player about a year ago: thought I'd died and when to TV heaven. No regrets, still watch lots of DVDs and SD broadcasts and those too look great (usually). We're strickly OTA, and there's plenty of OTA HD broadcasts to suit my needs. BD movies are a mixed bag in terms of quality, glad netflix has BD; we've only got a few BDs and two of them came as a 'rebate' with the player.
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  8. Going Mad TheFamilyMan's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Baldrick
    and this will probably be the last poll on the front page.

    All good things eventually come to an end....Thanks yoda313!
    Usually long gone and forgotten
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  9. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by rumplestiltskin
    Fox sports broadcasts in 720p whereas CBS sports uses 1080p
    I believe you mean 1080i for aerial hd

    Originally Posted by thefamilyman
    All good things eventually come to an end....Thanks yoda313!

    I've enjoyed the ride. I'll still be here and probably will post a poll here and there in off topic.
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  10. Renegade gll99's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by gll99
    Moving to HD could mean a few things, I'm on the very slow switchover route.
    A 24" monitor that will do 1080p (too small to tell the difference DVD vs BD)
    Originally Posted by jeremyofmany
    If I understand you correctly, you are saying on your 24" monitor, you cannot tell the difference between DVD and HD quality?
    I find it impossible not to notice the difference on my 17".
    You have a DVD which opens up at a resolution of 720x480.
    You have HD (720p) which opens up at a resolution of 1280x720.
    So the first thing you notice is the larger resolution before you even see the picture to determine quality.

    DVD is slightly fuzzy/blurry (not nearly as sharp) as HD.
    DVD is grainier than HD as well.
    I'm not playing them from a computer drive, they both play at 1080p on my monitor (ps3 hdmi to dvi) (also tested DVD on a Philips dvp5960 via hdmi ) so it's not a resolution or display size issue. The difference with the commercial movies which I own on DVD and Blu-ray is not apparent but obviously I can't do a side by side and frame by frame comparison. Nothing jumps out at me that would tell me which disc is playing if I did a blind load test. I suppose if I looked at selected high action scenes with a real critical eye I might find something but just watching a movie at 24" diag from 3 1/2 feet or less away doesn't do it.
    There's not much to do but then I can't do much anyway.
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  11. Still using DVD.... It took to long to roll out because of the battle with HD DVD. by the time it catches on, other on-air/ online/hard drive content will dominate. It will end up a with the same story as the laser disk. Its only hope is if the copy technology starts be as cheap as DVD.
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    Having given it more thought, I would like to say that even though I have switched to some extent, My preference is for DVDs. However, in thinking about what I would like to see in HD, I would say that after having seen all the episodes of Poirot and Midsomer Murders, I think these are definitely HD worthy. Not as much for the stories or the actors but for the on location filming.

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    Slowly considering HD editing, but no BluRay burning in my future.

    Reed Hastings of Netflix said, "DVD will be the primary delivery format at Netflix for the next two years, though it will continue to be part of the company's business for the next 10 to 20 years".

    BluRay may just crap out. BluRay sales just became material last year - 0ver 5%. Steaming and set top boxes may beat out BluRay in the end. I'm happy with DVD.
    Depends what the definition of the word inhale is.
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  14. Member
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    I have a PS3 and an HTPC. For me SD or HD depends on the material. For regular drama, horror or comedy SD is fine. For action, movies with many panoramic views or nature docs HD is my preference.

    I only rent BR from Netflix but I don't own any BR movies. Is it just me or does it seem like many of these BR releases of older movies before HD was even a thought is a scam? I don't see that much of a difference, if anything it seems to add a lot of grain with little or no improvement.

    Remastered CGI movies have not benefited from BR. First HD CGI movie I saw was Ice Age and it looked like computer game graphics, and not in a good way. Recent movies like Coraline and 9 looked really good.
    You can fool some people all the time,you can fool some people part of the time, but you can't fool everybody all the time
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  15. Member TJK1911's Avatar
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    Virtually all of my TV program watching is HD on my 60" Pioneer - if it isn't on an HD channel I just don't even consider it. The only time in recent memory that I watched SD was when we were recording a marathon showing of The Colony on Discovery, and we recorded it in SD to save on DVR space.

    On the other hand virtually all of our movie watching is on standard DVDs. The Pioneer does such a good job of upscaling that I don't feel compelled to go the extra effort and expense to seek out Bluray discs, even though we have a Bluray player.
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  16. Member vhelp's Avatar
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    Well, I just picked up the x-mas movie, Elf on bluray. no dvd was available and it crossed my browsing eyes at the time.

    I always wanted to get it ever since I saw a short demo clip that somebody had posted here over in the youtube (big) thread a few years ago.

    (the clip included the scene were Elf was in the store and screaming Santa or something while the store clerk was well, I don't know.., anyway, and it was so funny that I said one day I'll get it if it ever crosses my eyes, well it did)

    I don't have a blu-ray stand alone player, but I have my burner..can't wait to see it.

    -vhelp 5249
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