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  1. Hi!

    I'm trying to find a way to rip a mkv to mp4 with hardcoded subtitles. It's no problem to rip the mkv using handbrake, the problem occur when I want to include the subtitles. Sometimes the subtitles live inside the mkv, and sometimes they are external files called something like "swe.sup".

    Any suggestions on how to solve my ripping needs are welscome, as long as they are about using Mac tools.

    Thanks in advance
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States
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    ffmpegx has some good subtitle options that I have used before. Give it a shot!
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  3. Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    United States
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    If you can get the subtitles out as ".srt" Submerge will work fine. The app also works fine with ".sub" but they will have to truly be standard and not some variant; the app will complain otherwise.

    I usually have to take mkv files and do some intermediate step to get the various tracks out so they can be worked with. The usual tools (Submerge, ViddyUp!) can then be used.
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  4. Thanks for the replies guys, i'll try your suggestions. For this particular movie i was able to find the sub as a ".srt" file and watch it with Vlc. But it would be nice if ffmpegX or Handbrake could implement a function that let you rip a mkv with hardcoded subtitles. Also i have never come across ".sup" files before, i guess they're not that common yet.

    Best regards...
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