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  1. Member
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    I have a 6.54gb MKV file with multiple audio and subtitle streams.

    I have extracted the video (h264), audio (dts), and subtitles (ass) that I need using MKVextract.

    My goal is to encode this South Korean movie ("Oldboy") so that it is compatible for playback on my Xbox 360 while also displaying the English subtitles. I have tried Gotsent and that didn't work. I have also tried Xvid4PSP but that takes too long, and I'd rather separate the encoding steps out rather than doing it all at once.


    1) I want to hardcode the subtitles into the h264 file. I also want to change the profile of the video from 5.1 to 4.1

    2) I need to convert the audio from DTS to 2-channel LC AAC

    3) Once I have the AAC audio and the converted h264, I need to repackage it into an MP4 container.

    Thanks to whoever replies.
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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    x264 hd encoding takes long but try use 1-pass or constant quality encoding and lower the video resolution/size to get faster encoding.

    1. If you don't want to use xvid4psp then use avisynth and x264 encoder manually.
    2. Try eac3to to convert from to dts to aac.
    3. Use Yamb or mp4muxer to make a MP4.

    Or try MeGUI, both all-in-one solution and you can configure each step separate.
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  3. With avisynth, you'll want to use the Textsub() function. It hardcodes the subtitles onto the video.
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  4. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    try ripbot264. I think you can do this directly. I know it can hardcode subs as I've done that with video I got off that net and needed to sub it to mp4 for my zune. It also has aac output capabiltiy. I am pretty certain it has profile settings for mp4 also.
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  5. Member
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    Ok, I'm reviving this thread because I need some more help. I've already finished encoding the video with Xvid4PSP using the PS3/360 profile.

    However, the file size is above 4GB. I tried to split it with Yamb, but the resulting files come up as "not supported" on my 360. Maybe because the headers and tags are removed? idk

    I tried using AviDemux, but when previewing the video, it is out of order. When I skip through it by keyframe with the >> button, parts of the movie are at times they are not supposed to be. I see the credits rolling in the middle of the movie. Will it turn out like that after splitting or will it fix itself?
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