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  1. Member
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    I am looking around at random scripts online and I found the following. I am trying to better understand how all this works and I was wondering if someone could explain that to me. What exactly is all that doing.

    Interp = SeparateFields().SelectEven().EEDI2(field=1)
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  2. It mostly defines a different way to deinterlace any left over interlacing that escaped field matching. Rather than using one of TIVTC's built in deinterlacers, it uses EEDI2 instead. This might be useful for some animation type sources, but for normal kinds of sources, animated or live action, it's pretty much a waste of time, if you ask me. For 99% of the sources out there a simple:


    works just fine. And for most of those, where the field matching works well, you can even speed up the IVTC by completely disabling the post processor entirely:


    This script, because it's using TDecimate(mode=1), was developed for anime, I believe. If that's what what you're working on, and if it's a difficult source, this script will be useful. Otherwise, it won't do you much good, although it won't hurt anything. That's my take on it.
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  3. Member
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    Thanks manano, great info as always. I am using it on animation.

    Would you mind explaining what these do? ( SeparateFields().SelectEven() ) I have searched and I am not feeling comfortable with the answers I am finding.
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  4. That's easy, and understanding what EEDI2 by itself does will also explain the need for the SeparateFields/SelectEven before applying EEDI2. EEDI2 resizes to twice the height, but with the same width. So, for example, if you start with a 720x480 source, after EEDI2 alone it becomes 720x960. Therefore, by separating the fields first (half the height and double the framerate), choosing half the fields (the SelectEven()), thus bringing the framerate back down to what it was at the start, and then applying EEDI2, you wind up with the original resolution at the original framerate. Because EEDI2 resizes so well, it's thought that using it instead of the usual deinterlacers when needed, the results will be better.
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  5. Member
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    manono thanks a lot for explaining that. This will help me understand this better. Sorry about misspelling your name in my previous post. -MTT
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