I've been getting ntdll errors in virtualdubmod lately. I just did a test with a DV video to xvid. It worked fine when I didn't use the resize filter, but when I tried to resize it to 512x384 (using lanczos3) I get the error at the very end of the encode again. The videos that I get the error on seem to play just fine, but it's still crashing virtualdubmod at the end of each encode. FFdshow, Lagarith 1.3.19, and xvid 1.2.2 are the only codecs I have installed.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Here's my crash report:
VirtualDub crash report -- build 2542 (release)
7c910980: ffc3 inc ebx
7c910982: 8b03 mov eax, [ebx]
7c910984: e934ffffff jmp 7c9108bd
7c910989: f605d0e0977c02 test [7c97e0d0], 02
7c910990: 0f85edfeffff jnz 7c910883
7c910996: 3d00020000 cmp eax, 00000200
7c91099b: 0f82e2feffff jc 7c910883
7c9109a1: 66837e0200 cmp word ptr [esi+02], 00
7c9109a6: 740a jz 7c9109b2
7c9109a8: f6460510 test [esi+05], 10
7c9109ac: 0f84d1feffff jz 7c910883
7c9109b2: 50 push eax
7c9109b3: 56 push esi
7c9109b4: 57 push edi
7c9109b5: e8b70f0000 call 7c911971
7c9109ba: e949ffffff jmp 7c910908
7c9109bf: 8b4820 mov ecx, [eax+20]
7c9109c2: 66f7c1ff018d49 test ecx, 498d01ff
7c9109c9: 018948200f85 add [ecx-7af0dfb8], ecx
7c9109cf: 3afe cmp bh, dh
7c9109d1: ff db ff
7c9109d2: ff6a00 jmp fword ptr [edx+00]
7c9109d5: 8d45d8 lea eax, [ebp-28]
7c9109d8: 50 push eax
7c9109d9: e8d0ceffff call 7c90d8ae
7c9109de: e932feffff jmp 7c910815
7c9109e3: 0fb70e movzx ecx, word ptr [esi]
7c9109e6: 03c8 add ecx, eax
7c9109e8: 81f900fe0000 cmp ecx, 0000fe00
7c9109ee: 0f8745fdffff ja 7c910739
7c9109f4: 807d1400 cmp byte ptr [ebp+14], 00
7c9109f8: 0f85b1a60300 jnz 7c94b0af
7c9109fe: 8a4605 mov al, [esi+05]
7c910a01: 2410 and al, 10
7c910a03: a810 test al, 10
7c910a05: 884705 mov [edi+05], al
7c910a08: 0f8592000000 jnz 7c910aa0
7c910a0e: 8b4e0c mov ecx, [esi+0c]
7c910a11: 8d4608 lea eax, [esi+08]
7c910a14: 8b10 mov edx, [eax]
7c910a16: 894d0c mov [ebp+0c], ecx
7c910a19: 8b09 mov ecx, [ecx] <-- FAULT
7c910a1b: 3b4a04 cmp ecx, [edx+04]
7c910a1e: 895514 mov [ebp+14], edx
7c910a21: 0f852b0d0000 jnz 7c911752
7c910a27: 3bc8 cmp ecx, eax
7c910a29: 0f85230d0000 jnz 7c911752
7c910a2f: 56 push esi
7c910a30: 53 push ebx
7c910a31: e84efcffff call 7c910684
7c910a36: 8b4514 mov eax, [ebp+14]
7c910a39: 8b4d0c mov ecx, [ebp+0c]
7c910a3c: 3bc1 cmp eax, ecx
7c910a3e: 8901 mov [ecx], eax
7c910a40: 894804 mov [eax+04], ecx
7c910a43: 7438 jz 7c910a7d
7c910a45: 8a4605 mov al, [esi+05]
7c910a48: a804 test al, 04
7c910a4a: 0f8535a70300 jnz 7c94b185
7c910a50: 0fb70e movzx ecx, word ptr [esi]
7c910a53: 8b4510 mov eax, [ebp+10]
7c910a56: 0108 add [eax], ecx
7c910a58: 0fb70e movzx ecx, word ptr [esi]
7c910a5b: 294b28 sub [ebx+28], ecx
7c910a5e: f6470510 test [edi+05], 10
7c910a62: 668b08 mov cx, [eax]
7c910a65: 66890f mov [edi], cx
7c910a68: 0f85cbfcffff jnz 7c910739
7c910a6e: 8b08 mov ecx, [eax]
7c910a70: 668bc1 mov ax, cx
7c910a73: 668944cf02 mov [edi+ecx*8+02], ax
7c910a78: e9bcfcffff jmp 7c910739
7c910a7d: 668b06 mov ax, [esi]
Windows 5.1 (Windows XP build 2600) [Service Pack 3]
EAX = 0506c4e8
EBX = 02250000
ECX = 80808080
EDX = 80808080
EBP = 0012e148
DS:ESI = 0023:0506c4e0
ES:EDI = 0023:05058000
SS:ESP = 0023:0012e13c
CS:EIP = 001b:7c910a19
FS = 003b
GS = 0000
EFLAGS = 00210246
FPUCW = ffff027f
FPUTW = ffffffff
MM0 = 0000000000000000
MM1 = 0000000000000000
MM2 = 0000000000000000
MM3 = 0000000000000000
MM4 = 0000000000000000
MM5 = 0000000000000000
MM6 = 0000000000000000
MM7 = 8000000000000000
Crash reason: Access Violation
Crash context:
An out-of-bounds memory access (access violation) occurred in module 'ntdll'.
Thread traces:
Thread 0000087c (Main thread)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\VideoSource.cpp(1828)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\VideoSource.cpp(1846)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(429)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(569)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(124)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(126)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(124)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(126)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(124)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(126)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(124)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(126)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(124)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(126)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(409)
C:\Dvpt\VDub_1.5.x\VirtualDubMod15\VirtualDub\sour ce\FilterSystem.cpp(429)
Thread call stack:7c910a19: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c900000+1057f+49a]
7c91084c: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c900000+1057f+2cd]
7e428eab: USER32!DefWindowProcW [7e410000+18d20+18b]
7e42c31c: USER32!GetActiveWindow [7e410000+1c2e8+34]
04b784ca: xvidcore!xvid_plugin_dump [04b00000+6bff4+c4d6]
04b2c448: xvidcore!xvid_encore [04b00000+2acc8+1780]
04b2b1ad: xvidcore!xvid_encore [04b00000+2acc8+4e5]
04b2af67: xvidcore!xvid_encore [04b00000+2acc8+29f]
04b2acf9: xvidcore!xvid_encore [04b00000+2acc8+31]
02157134: xvidvfw!DriverProc [02150000+6e04+330]
5ad794ec: uxtheme!IsThemeActive [5ad70000+8b85+967]
7e42947c: USER32!IsWindow [7e410000+19313+169]
7e42941e: USER32!IsWindow [7e410000+19313+10b]
7e4294e2: USER32!GetPropW [7e410000+194b3+2f]
77f17f28: GDI32!TextOutW [77f10000+7eac+7c]
7e42bc90: USER32!UserLpkPSMTextOut [7e410000+1bc25+6b]
7e42bcb7: USER32!UserLpkPSMTextOut [7e410000+1bc25+92]
7e42bcb7: USER32!UserLpkPSMTextOut [7e410000+1bc25+92]
7e429083: USER32!OffsetRect [7e410000+19011+72]
7c913293: ntdll!RtlUnlockHeap [7c900000+13273+20]
7c9132af: ntdll!RtlUnlockHeap [7c900000+13273+3c]
7c832f59: kernel32!LocalUnlock [7c800000+32ee1+78]
7c832f61: kernel32!LocalUnlock [7c800000+32ee1+80]
763999b3: IMM32!ImmGetIMCCSize [76390000+992c+87]
76399b35: IMM32!ImmUnlockClientImc [76390000+9b22+13]
763a3c0c: IMM32!CtfImmIsTextFrameServiceDisabled [76390000+138a1+36b]
763a3c1a: IMM32!CtfImmIsTextFrameServiceDisabled [76390000+138a1+379]
755c7184: msctfime!00007184
755c4458: msctfime!00004458
763a3c0c: IMM32!CtfImmIsTextFrameServiceDisabled [76390000+138a1+36b]
763a3c1a: IMM32!CtfImmIsTextFrameServiceDisabled [76390000+138a1+379]
755d41e6: msctfime!CtfImeDispatchDefImeMessage [755c0000+13818+9ce]
773f1968: COMCTL32!ImageList_LoadImage [773d0000+19676+82f2]
7e418734: USER32!GetDC [7e410000+86c7+6d]
7c910222: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c900000+100c4+15e]
7c910222: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c900000+100c4+15e]
7c910222: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c900000+100c4+15e]
77f17581: GDI32!CreateCompatibleBitmap [77f10000+700a+577]
77f17598: GDI32!CreateCompatibleBitmap [77f10000+700a+58e]
77f16b25: GDI32!GetTextExtentPointW [77f10000+6b0d+18]
7e42b91a: USER32!DrawTextExW [7e410000+1b415+505]
7e42456d: USER32!GetDlgItem [7e410000+1436e+1ff]
77f18aa0: GDI32!SetBrushOrgEx [77f10000+87ec+2b4]
77f18af2: GDI32!SetBrushOrgEx [77f10000+87ec+306]
77f16bf2: GDI32!GdiDrawStream [77f10000+6b9e+54]
77f16bdc: GDI32!GdiDrawStream [77f10000+6b9e+3e]
7c91005d: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [7c900000+ff2d+130]
77f170f2: GDI32!CreateCompatibleBitmap [77f10000+700a+e8]
77f1709d: GDI32!CreateCompatibleBitmap [77f10000+700a+93]
7e42b433: USER32!DrawTextExW [7e410000+1b415+1e]
7c91005d: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [7c900000+ff2d+130]
773f5f6b: COMCTL32!ImageList_LoadImage [773d0000+19676+c8f5]
5ad72bc2: uxtheme!00002bc2
5ad72b73: uxtheme!00002b73
5ad72b1b: uxtheme!00002b1b
5ad72b59: uxtheme!00002b59
7e429e5f: USER32!IsWindowVisible [7e410000+19e3d+22]
77f15a05: GDI32!GdiReleaseDC [77f10000+59ed+18]
7e4184ba: USER32!000084ba
7e4186be: USER32!ReleaseDC [7e410000+869d+21]
773f6517: COMCTL32!ImageList_LoadImage [773d0000+19676+cea1]
773f6708: COMCTL32!ImageList_LoadImage [773d0000+19676+d092]
7c910222: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c900000+100c4+15e]
7c910222: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c900000+100c4+15e]
7c91019b: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c900000+100c4+d7]
7c9101db: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c900000+100c4+117]
7e418734: USER32!GetDC [7e410000+86c7+6d]
7e418734: USER32!GetDC [7e410000+86c7+6d]
7e418b26: USER32!GetWindowThreadProcessId [7e410000+8a80+a6]
7e419488: USER32!GetWindowLongA [7e410000+945d+2b]
7e419491: USER32!GetWindowLongA [7e410000+945d+34]
7e419491: USER32!GetWindowLongA [7e410000+945d+34]
02159dd4: xvidvfw!DriverProc [02150000+6e04+2fd0]
7e41882a: USER32!GetDC [7e410000+86c7+163]
7e428ea0: USER32!DefWindowProcW [7e410000+18d20+180]
77f170f2: GDI32!CreateCompatibleBitmap [77f10000+700a+e8]
77f1709d: GDI32!CreateCompatibleBitmap [77f10000+700a+93]
7e418b26: USER32!GetWindowThreadProcessId [7e410000+8a80+a6]
7e419488: USER32!GetWindowLongA [7e410000+945d+2b]
7e419491: USER32!GetWindowLongA [7e410000+945d+34]
7e419491: USER32!GetWindowLongA [7e410000+945d+34]
02159dd4: xvidvfw!DriverProc [02150000+6e04+2fd0]
7e418734: USER32!GetDC [7e410000+86c7+6d]
7e418b26: USER32!GetWindowThreadProcessId [7e410000+8a80+a6]
7e419488: USER32!GetWindowLongA [7e410000+945d+2b]
77f19d5d: GDI32!SetDIBitsToDevice [77f10000+9c0a+153]
7e419491: USER32!GetWindowLongA [7e410000+945d+34]
02159dd4: xvidvfw!DriverProc [02150000+6e04+2fd0]
7e42b070: USER32!DeferWindowPos [7e410000+1afdb+95]
7e42c228: USER32!DefWindowProcA [7e410000+1c17e+aa]
5ad71af6: uxtheme!00001af6
5ad8c2b1: uxtheme!GetThemeAppProperties [5ad70000+1c261+50]
7e418bd9: USER32!GetWindowThreadProcessId [7e410000+8a80+159]
7e42c23c: USER32!DefWindowProcA [7e410000+1c17e+be]
7e42c1e9: USER32!DefWindowProcA [7e410000+1c17e+6b]
7e42c1e9: USER32!DefWindowProcA [7e410000+1c17e+6b]
7e43e56d: USER32!EnumClipboardFormats [7e410000+2e53d+30]
7e423bca: USER32!EnumDisplaySettingsA [7e410000+13a67+163]
7e43e599: USER32!DefDlgProcA [7e410000+2e577+22]
7e418734: USER32!GetDC [7e410000+86c7+6d]
-- End of report
+ Reply to Thread
Results 1 to 11 of 11
Do you get the same error with virtualdub? virtualdubmod is old and hasn't been updated in a few years...
Originally Posted by poisondeathray
BTW - what's the difference between mod and normal? Do they play nicely with eachother or should I uninstall mod? I use AviSynth scripts alot (although I wasn't using them during the error), and don't want any of them to not work (lots of different deinterlacing scripts and basic resize, levels scripts). -
Writing my reply got me thinking, so I tested using a AviSynth script to do the resize in VirtualDubMod, but still got the error. Then I did the same video with no resize filter and no error. Ugh.
Virtualdub crashes too. Same exact way as VirtualDubMod. It makes the video, and at the very end it crashes (same reason). The converted video plays fine.
I also tried doing a system restore from 20 days ago, and that didn't help either. Can't figure out what's changed.... or exactly when this started. -
Have you installed any codecs or AVISynth updates recently? (Or any other video processing program/setup that might have included a codec or AVISynth change that VirtualDub might not like?)
If cameras add ten pounds, why would people want to eat them? -
Originally Posted by Ai Haibara
Hmm. That shouldn't really have a bearing on VirtualDub.
If you go into ffdshow's 'VFW configuration' from its Start menu folder, and click on the Codecs header, is Xvid set to libavcodec, or to use Xvid? Try changing that to the other option and see if that has any effect on the crashing.If cameras add ten pounds, why would people want to eat them? -
Originally Posted by Ai Haibara
Have you tried uninstalling Xvid and AVIsynth and reinstalling them? Or maybe, updating ffdshow?
I suspect the problem may be with one of them, but you might want to visit the VirtualDub forums and run the crashlog past Phaeron. He'd be more likely to recognize what's triggering the crash than I.(The contact information page is http://www.virtualdub.org/contact.html , but it's probably advisable to use the VirtualDub forums (http://forums.virtualdub.org/) instead.)
If cameras add ten pounds, why would people want to eat them? -
Originally Posted by Ai Haibara
I did post this on the Vdub forums, but haven't gotten a response yet.
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