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Poll: Are you a beer drinker?

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  1. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    So do you drink beer?

    I don't. I also don't drink wine or any alcoholic beverages.

    How about you?
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  2. Man of Steel freebird73717's Avatar
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    Nope. Really don't like the taste. I stay away from liquor as well. I love the taste of liquor but don't like what it does to me. Haven't touched a drink in almost 8 years.
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  3. 9 1/2 years sober

    Alcohol in most all forms gives me a serious headache sometimes after only a few sips. Decided I didn't want the headache.

    Still eat nachos though

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    Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder....
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    I consume fewer than 10 alcoholic beverages a year. I enjoy having a glass with a meal on special occasions. Mostly wine, but once in a while I'll drink a beer. There's no particular reason I don't drink more, though it tends to make me drowsy.
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    Since I quit working, there's no more need for alcohol.
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  7. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Just a few times a year at parties and such - not into it too much.

    I prefer cider over a beeer.
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  8. Stopped drinking in October 2000. I'd already drunk enough for life many times over. Don't miss it one bit. Nor the stale cigarette smell on the clothes after a night down the local. I emigrated to a land of sunshine and so the need to fill my veins with pint after pint of a CNS depressant to keep me happy evaporated. Makes buying groceries and eating out a lot cheaper, too.

    Actually, I lie slightly - I did have some brandy on a Christmas Pudding a couple of years ago. Even after igniting it, there was enough in my (huge) piece of pudding (probably no more than a teaspoon in reality) to force to go and lie down for a while. A far, far cry from the 8 pints + 2 bottles of wine + half a bottle of whisky...and a two-day hangover.

    I still chuckle when I see commercials for alleged "beer".
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  9. The root of all evil träskmannen's Avatar
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    I love a beer now and then! For instance the well-tempered blue Chimay standing on my desk right now...
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  10. Member Number Six's Avatar
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    I like an occasional beer a couple times a year - especially Guinness, but I'm not really a beer drinker - I definitely prefer wine, so that is how I answered.
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  11. Not as such. I like Founders' Breakfast Stout when I go watch my son perform there. I'll occasionally have one of those pisscolor beers on a really hot day in mid summer, but avoid them as a general rule. I don't really like the flavor and I almost never have it in the house. For the most part, alcohol in general is too expensive for my tastes, so it's reserved for special occasions, 2 or 3 times a year.
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  12. Member Seeker47's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by JohnnyMalaria
    I still chuckle when I see commercials for alleged "beer".
    I'm not much of a beer drinker -- voted for choice #3, where I'm clearly very much in the minority -- but this seemed like a good entry point for a mini-rant that's been on my mind for awhile. Most of the big-name, big-selling American beer is a very bad joke: pallid, tasteless, interchangeable. You have to go to the secondary market tier, or some regionals or micro-brews, to find anything worth drinking. (That is, if taste really matters to you, as opposed to just getting blitzed.)

    Unfortunately, this is another American disease that is spreading. Many years ago, I used to like some of the Mexican beers -- Carta Blanca and Dos Equiis in particular. The former had a fiery carbonation to it, and the latter was very good also. A few years ago, I again sampled most of the Mexican beers, after about an 8 year absence, and was shocked to discover that they now really SUCK ! The "recipes" had been totally reformulated, perhaps to make them appeal to young women: they are now bland and LOUSY, just like their big-brand cousins to the North. If you weren't past a certain age, you'd never know that they were ever any good ! Modelo ***** is about the only one I could find that is still halfway decent.

    Fortunately, here -- at least for now -- we still have the likes of Samuel Adams, San Francisco's Anchor Steam (a particularly good match for fish or shellfish), or if you happen to find yourself in Pennsylvania, Yuengling, which sounds Chinese but is actually from America's oldest brewery. (While it wasn't quite in their class, I'm still wondering whatever happened to Henry Weinhard ?)

    This opens up to a much more general issue: If there is ANY great, unique product of any kind that you like, enjoy it now, because it is sure either to go away or to get homogenized into something tepid, crappy, and just like a bunch of other indifferent products of its category. The market keeps chasing the bottom (and not just in manufacturing costs), while quality and distinctiveness go right out the window. For almost everything, it really is true: They don't make 'em like they used to.

    Maybe people's discernment and taste have just gone to Hell . . . .
    (Am I starting to sound a bit like Smurf ?)
    /Rant Over.
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  13. Member Xylob the Destroyer's Avatar
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    Beer is like dancing - it's for chicks and kids.
    If you MUST drink beer, do not drink any beer you can see through.
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  14. Member
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    The first brew that I really enjoyed was Genesee Cream Ale. I don't like a dark beer with food. They are better alone. My favorite dark beer is altbier, but I can't get that here in the US.

    I use far more beer (and wine) for cooking than I drink. Standard American beers are good for that, especially for deep-fry batters, sauerkraut and sausage. I have a couple of dessert recpes that call for stout.
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  15. Mod Neophyte Super Moderator redwudz's Avatar
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    Years ago, a good friend's dad owned a beer distribution company. They specialized in imported beers from all over the world. I got off work at 4:00 and made it there by 4:30 as they were doing inventory on the beer trucks and having a cold one. They had a enormous walk-in cooler with hundreds of imports from all over the world. I had a sample of about everything at some point. Mexican, Korean, German, English, Chinese, Philippine, and many others. It was all good. They also sold beer in kegs, which I could get for about $15, along with the pump.

    They sold one domestic beer, Schlitz. I found out that domestic beer has about a three month shelf life, then it's pulled and destroyed. I used to buy the (Not destroyed yet) beer for $2US a case. (Highly illegal, but they would just use a tractor to run over the cases and destroy them anyway, which was a real waste. ) I'd fill my car trunk with ice and and about 15 cases and drive somewhere and make a party.

    Most of the imported beer in the US is old by the time we get it. If it has sludge in the bottom, it's probably old. I did like St. Pauli Girl with a sandwich and some of the Philippine imports were great for light beer. I also liked some of the stouts from England and Ireland. But it was all good.

    The business closed about ten years ago and I missed the beer variety. I don't drink beer much any more and the domestic beers are swill, IMO. There were some great microbreweries around where I lived and they did have excellent beer. I would try one of those before I considered a domestic beer.
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  16. I've made my own beer for several decades - and drink one most days. It's tasty, easy to make, and cheap. When we're out for dinner, I'll have a microbrew, since I find mass-market beers kinda blah.
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  17. Member PuzZLeR's Avatar
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    This poll wasn't fair.

    I needed an answer that had at least 5 "!"s after the "Yes", not a measly three. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to settle with answering just "Yes!!!" for now...

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  18. Banned
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    Originally Posted by yoda313
    So do you drink beer?

    I don't. I also don't drink wine or any alcoholic beverages.

    How about you?
    the only beer i drink is miller genuine draft and then i always drink it ice cold, like right at the point where it becomes like a slushy.

    as for wine i only drink sweet red wines and i also love cranberry flavored vodka, especially when mixed with cranberry juice.

    in addition, top shelf tequila, either as a shot or in a mixed drink like a marguerita, or some rum based drinks such as a pina colada.

    i also like irish cream, mr boston's egg nog (a already mixed whiskey based egg nog) <--me and this chick i used to ... used to drink that by the quart, and perhaps one of my absolute favorite is goldschlager when it's been in a freezer for long enough so that it thickens up and starts to crystallize, everyone i have ever given a shot of that to always says they can't believe how good it is.

    but other than that, i don't drink.

    ***looks like i picked the wrong week to stop drinking***
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  19. Member PuzZLeR's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by deadrats
    ...but other than that, i don't drink.
    I only smoke crack, freebase heroine, drop acid and snort coke.

    ...but other than that, I don't do drugs.

    I hate VHS. I always did.
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  20. I drink half a bottle of Dali Beer almost every day. A full bottle is 640ml and costs about US 30 cents.
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  21. I voted "Yes", but I agree with Seeker that the big name "beers" don't deserve the name.

    Yeah Yuengling is good, their traditional lager is dark amber and actually tastes like something besides pisselwasser. I prefer Newcastle Brown Ale, but as an import it's a little pricey. You know, I tried Budweiser's "American Ale" at a restaurant a few months ago, and it's actually pretty darn good. Got a case of it, not quite in Newcastle's league but good and much cheaper. First thing from Budweiser I ever liked.

    The distributor was out of it yesterday. They'll probably discontinue it for all I know. Or maybe, just maybe, it's becoming popular?

    I confess to enjoying an ale during evening meal, maybe two if it's a weekend.
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  22. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    Shiner Bach, Shiner Blonde
    Dos Equis
    Sam Adams Cherry Wheat

    ... and every now and then, Bud Light on tap

    Ales and ciders are good, too.
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  23. Renegade gll99's Avatar
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    Although on occasion, I've bought some for our guests, over the past 15-20 years I've had no more than 2 Canadian light beers and about 4 or 5 other alcoholic beverages in total. I prefer coffee, tea or a cold pop.
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  24. Member rhegedus's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by lordsmurf
    ... and every now and then, Bud Light on tap.

    I don't know if it's the beer or the fact that I can only drink it in the US, but I've always had happy times drinking Bud Light.

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  25. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by rhegedus
    I don't know if it's the beer or the fact that I can only drink it in the US, but I've always had happy times drinking Bud Light.
    When the beer isn't syrup thick, you tend to pound down a few more of them. The alcohol sort of hits you all at once then. To have "happy times" I'd stick to Bud Light myself, and avoid the thick lager. And there's something about not drinking from bottles, a big glass mug (or even a plastic cup!) is great. Maybe it's because the cup is bigger?
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  26. Mr. Computer Geek dannyboy48888's Avatar
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    DO I! The darker the better, guinnes extra stout or shiner bock. unless I am playing on the pc then its sparks all the way for them late night hyper drunk encoding sessions
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  27. Member dadrab's Avatar
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    Wine for me. A nice red will do nicely.

    I do like some of the exotic beers and the occasional Turbo Dog (don't know whether to think it's an exotic or not.).
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  28. Member lordhutt's Avatar
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    Hell yes, but not nearly as much as I used to. I usually call it quits after 2 to 4 with the rare occasion hitting double figures which happened to be Saturday when we went to check out the new Hofbrauhaus in Pittsburgh...awesome place!!!

    Favorites are from Germany...Erdinger, Spaten, Hofbrau, Franziskaner, Weltenburger, etc.
    Domestics would be Sam Adams, Beer from the Penn Brewery and others.
    Have tried to many to remember though...a buddy of mine has a place with nearly 1000 varieties!
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  29. Member Seeker47's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by usually_quiet
    I use far more beer (and wine) for cooking than I drink. Standard American beers are good for that, especially for deep-fry batters, sauerkraut and sausage. I have a couple of dessert recpes that call for stout.
    Yes, that is generally overlooked, but has a lot of potential. For various kinds of "cooking" also: back when I had a bread machine and used to make certain kinds of bread, I'd use Guiness or Mackesson XXX (even darker and more intense) in some recipes. Of course, all the alcohol goes away in the process, but you could get some really interesting flavor with it. Great for something like a pumpernickel.
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    Originally Posted by Xylob the Destroyer
    If you MUST drink beer, do not drink any beer you can see through.
    That's pretty much my overriding criteria. Although I make an exception for a really good Pilsner.

    I enjoy beer, and enjoy exploring the microbrew segment of the market. Each time I head to the store I try to find something new, or at least haven't tried in a while.
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